One Wish

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters (they belong to Rick) and this particular story idea belongs to an account on tumblr.

This one-shot is based after the heroes of Olympus series and does not follow all story plots: all the seven are present.


The war was over. The enemy was defeated and we were safe. I look over at my friends. Piper was bandaging Jason's shoulder, Frank was sitting down next to Hazel, letting her lean on his shoulder. Leo stood a little away from the others, talking to another camper. I stretch my shoulders and look over myself. I have a few cuts on my legs and some bruises on my arms. There's a tear in my shirt from when I had been grabbed by a turned half-blood. I sigh and look around myself. People walk around tending to other's wounds, avoiding certain bits of rubble and dust piles as they walk around.
My mind drifts when I start to think of Annabeth. I haven't seen her in about an hour. I begin to get nervous. An hour during a battle could be the difference between life and death. I come to my senses and run towards the others.
"Has anyone seen Annabeth?" They look up at me.
A chorus of no's and sorry's ring through my ears.
I start to panic, running amongst different campers, some standing and hugging their loved ones, others crying over their fallen brother or sister. My heart breaks whenever I run past a fallen camper. Some of the faces I recognize from around camp, others are too bloody or misshapen.
I get to the place where I had last seen Annabeth and circle around.
"Annabeth!?" I shout in desperation. I never should have left her.
"Here Seaweed Brain." I hear her say. I whirl around and see her limping towards me. I run to her and engulf her in a bear hug. She laughs and hugs back. I lift her off the ground and twirl her around before gently placing her back down.
I use my fingers to place a stray curl behind her ear.
"I was beginning to think of the worst."
"It's okay Percy. We're safe. We're all safe." She smiles.
I look down and see her ankle swollen.
"Have you had ambrosia?" I ask.
"Yes I had some not long ago. The swelling will go down soon."
I link my hand in hers and guide her back to the others.
"Zeus wants all of us on Olympus." Jason says when we make it back.
"Did the old man say why?" I ask, receiving a painful pinch in the side from Annabeth.
"No he didn't. But we better go." We all follow him as he leads the way to Olympus.
"If you hadn't just helped save Olympus yet again, I'm sure you would have become a smoked Seaweed Brain." Annabeth says. I laugh. Of course Zeus would have hit me with his lightening bolt if I had said that any other day but I knew he wouldn't today, so why would I let this time pass without at least a couple jaunts at him? I would lose my reputation if I had left him alone.
We reach Olympus and it looks the same as always. Glorious and beautiful. We walk into the palace and are met with a few different gods and goddesses
Annabeth seems to steam when she sees Hera. I grip onto her arm to hold her back. Who knows what she would do.
"Brave Demi-gods." Zeus says as we get closer to him.
"We gods...owe you our..thanks." He spits out the last word, looking around at some of the other gods present.
"And as per the fact you have risked your lives so bravely, all seven of you shall get one wish."
We look at each other skeptically.
"What's the catch?" Asks Annabeth, I can see her mind calculating all the possible things she could wish for.
"There is no..catch demigod. You can each wish for one thing, anything and it will be granted."
I see Annabeth jump at the idea.
"We will take you on your offer most graciously." She meets my eyes and I see them twinkle mischievously. Uh oh.
"Leo Valdez, you may wish first." Says Zeus.
Leo steps in front of all of us and clears his throat.
"I would like for Calypso to be freed from her island and be sent here, with no condemnation on her." He stares straight into Zeus' eyes.
"Very well." Zeus says.
The rest of us all step forward in turn making our wish.
I wish for the Roman and Greek camps to be united, meaning the camps can no longer be kept secret from one another-ever again.
Only Annabeth's wish remains.
"Annabeth Chase, what do you wish for?"
She steps forward and looks down briefly, as if trying to word her sentence very carefully.
"I would like to be able to say anything, anything at all, to one of the Olympian gods without fear of punishment or retribution."
What is she up to? That's the weirdest wish out of all of us.
Zeus seems also confused at her request.
"Very well, your wish is granted."
She nods.
Everyone watches as she takes another step forward. She turns to Hera and says,
"Fuck you."
She turns on her heel and leaves Olympus and us behind.
I look at Hera and see the rage radiating off of her.
I burst out laughing. Tears spring to my eyes and roll down my face as I continue to laugh. I clutch at my stomach as it begins to hurt due to the fact I'm laughing so hard.
I can't believe Annabeth just said that.
As Jason and Frank grab me and begin to drag me out of the palace as I laugh like a maniac, I just think of how much a pure queen Annabeth is.
Annabeth Chase...the Sass Queen.

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