Chapter 17

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Chapter may contain swear words sorry

Asher up top ^^

Asher's P.O.V

i keep hearing a continuous vibration and its kind of annoying. Groaning i roll over and grab my phone.Not bothering to look at who was calling i just answer it.

"Hello?" i ask gruffly.

"Ash?" a small voice asks.

"Bell are you ok?" i ask sitting up immediately.

"No" she answers quietly. 

i get out of bed and start rummaging around throwing clothes on.

"I'm coming to pick you up alright?" i ask her.

There was a bang, yelling and screaming over on her end of the phone.

"Bella?" i ask.

"Ill be waiting out the front ok?" she says in a whisper.

"Ill be there in 10 ok?" i say back to her.


i hang up after that and i grab my keys and head down stairs. I shut the front door quietly not wanting to wake up my mum or sister. I head to my car and speed to Bella's house.


I pull up on Bella's street and i see her sitting on her front lawn. I stop the car and i get out, i start walking to her. i crouch down and i hear her sniffling, is she crying?

"Bell are you ok?" i ask her quietly

she shakes her head. She slowly lifts her head up and i imminently see a bruise on her jaw and blood on her forehead. i pull her into a hug and she starts to sob in my arms. i lift her up and put her in the passenger seat. i go around and get into the drivers seat. i start my car and drive off into the direction of my house.

"Thank you" she says quietly. 

i look over at her quickly and see that she is sitting up facing me. i give her a small smile and then focus back on the road. 


We pull up at my house and i get out of the car going around to Bella's side. i open the door and grab her hand helping her out of the car. She gives me a small smile and she shuts the car door. i don't let go of her hand and i head to the front door unlocking it. i gently tug her inside and i shut the door. i gently pull her up stairs and into my bathroom. i lift her up by the waist and sit her on the sink.

Bella's P.O.V

i tell you one thing my fucking jaw is killing me. Next time i wont mix up the drinks. i feel stinging on my forehead and i flinch. 

"Sorry Bell but i've got to clean the blood" i hear Ash say quietly.

Stupid father and friend. Luckily Sam wasn't home, i would of liked him seeing what just happened to me.

"What happened?" Ash asks me.

i look up at him and see his forehead is creased and his eyes are full of concern. 

"Would you believe me if i say i fell?" i ask with a small smile.

He gave me a deadpan look.

"Not in the slightest" he replies. 

"You have very nice eyes" i say looking at his eyes. They really are a nice colour. 

"Flattery will get you no where" he says with a small smile. 

"i got in an argument with my dad" i say looking down at our conjoined hands.

Once i say that i feel him tense. i look up at his face and see anger swirling around in his eyes.  

"My dad abuses me and Sam and when his friends come over it gets worse, thats why Sam didn't want me home tonight especially without him there" i say quietly.

If Asher could be anymore tense i swear he will pop a blood vessel. i run my free hand up and down his arm to try can calm him down. Thankfully it works.

"Do you have any other injuries?" He asks me.

i nod my head and i separate our hands and slowly lift my shirt up, not all the way just up to my boobs. I watch Asher's face as he looks at all the bruises on my stomach. When his eyes go lower he finds my other open wound. My wound is on my pelvis, but to see the whole wound i would have to take my pants off. what fun. note sarcasm. 

 "Bell you're gonna have to stand up so i can clean it" he says helping me off the bench thingy. 

"Want to know a fun fact?" i say to him.

"Sure, but is it actually going to be a fun fact? "he says with his back turned to me.

"Well it wont be fun for me, but Im gonna have to take my pants off for you to clean the whole wound" i say to him. 

He stiffens and slowly turns around to face me. He looks at my jeans i chucked on with a confused face.

"If the wound goes further why isn't there a rip in your pants?" he asks.

Crap craptiy crap crap crap

"Uhhhh....." i say not knowing how to respond.

"Bella" He warns me. 

How do i say this without crying? or without him getting angry. Jesus why is this so hard?

"Well.....When that happened.... I kind of didn't have pants on" i rushed the last bit out.

hopefully he doesn't want me to repeat the last part.

"Come again?" he asks.


"I said, i kind of didn't have pants on when it happened" i say quietly.

"What do you mean you didn't have pants on?" he growls out.

Woah thats attractive. 

no naught Bella snap out of your dirty thoughts about him.

"Ummm... well they might've been ripped off?" i say quietly on the verge of tears.


Well after what seemed hours i finally got out of interrogation with Ash and i was able to have a shower. He gave me some of his clothes for me to change in. Ever since i told him about the whole pants incident he gave me clothes and let me shower. By the looks of him he is pissed off. He is sitting on the farthest side of the bed from me with his back turned towards me. He looked tense, i knew i shouldn't of called him.

i slowly walk over to his bed and i get on it and wrap my arms around Ash. He relaxes instantly, he turns around and lays down dragging me down with him. He wraps his arm around my waist and he starts to play with my hair. I sigh and snuggle further into him. 

"Go to sleep Bell ill be here when you wake up" He says.

i look up at him and say.


"I promise" he says kissing my forehead.

and that ladies and gentlemen is how i had the best sleep i've ever had in my entire existence. I'm not even kidding. 

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