Chapter 31

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This is the chapter that you all have been waiting for. This chapter wouldn't of even happened if it wasn't for my best friend. And for that i am thankful. Also this chapter isn't edited :') 

Drew's POV.

I walk into the boys change room pumped and ready to go with my black Nike duffle bag slung over my shoulder.

"What's up boys?" I say loudly as I enter. Lots of cheering and 'yo what up cap' as the response.

I dump my bag on one of the benches and unlock my locker.

Once I'm in my training uniform I start to stretch just waiting for the rest of my team so we can go and start practising.

All of a sudden I here whistling and cat calling coming from the door to the locker room. I turn around to see Thea, red faced, looking at all of the boys, half are shirtless and the other half were just now taking off their shirts.

I push past glaring at most of them and take Thea's hand. I pull her past the herd I call my team and over to the janitors closet.

"Hey." I say once I close the door and we're alone.

"Hi." She says smiling.

I look down and notice that she's wearing my spare training jersey.

"When did you- how did you get that?" I say motioning to my uniform.

"I- well- I didn't think you'd mind. I don't have to- I mean if you don't want me too- if you think it's too much I'll just-." She rambles and starts lifting the bottom edge of the jersey. Wait.

As she starts to lift the uniform up and almost above he head I stop staring and snap back into reality.

"What- what are you doing?" I say quickly pulling the jersey back down. "I mean I'd much rather you wore nothing, but since other people are going to be seeing you I would love it if they saw you in my jersey." I say looking into her eyes and taking my thumb and rubbing it across her cheek.

"ARE YOU GUYS DONE IN THERE?" A voice from the other side of the door screams.

We both laugh and slowly decide to exit the closet. Walking out, hands intertwined, I walk her to the door of the change room.

"I'll be sitting in the stands. Probably yelling and screaming at the refs because they suck but oh well. If I get kicked out of the stadium score a goal for me." She smiles and I laugh because I know how much she hates the refs. With one last hug we say goodbye and I watch as she walks out the doors of the school.

Once everyone finally got ready we went out and trained for about an hour and half, doing some straight forward drills and then perfecting some plays that we've been working on. All of those after school trainings with Thea really payed off. She had some amazing drills that I hadn't even heard of before.

Soon enough people started flooding into the stadium and it pumped me up, more than I already was. I see Thea sitting in the stands with white and maroon zinc on her face along with my jersey to match. Bella and Asher join her soon after.

The first buzzer rings and signals that we have to go back into our locker room and have roughly 20 minutes before tip-off.

I'm not really that worried about beating the other team. The Riverhill Dukes think they're better than they really are. They play dirty and the refs never pull them up on it. It pisses me off.

The boys and I change into our game uniform and start to talk strategy.

From the change room I hear Hawky, our mascot, start to speak.

"They came all the way from Riverhill just to get smashed. Please welcome THE RIVERHILL PATRIOTS." I hear the crowd start booing.

Hawky continues. "And now. For who everyone has come to see. OUR VERY OWN CEDARWOOD HAWKS." The boys start to line up and slowly run through the passage connecting the stadium and the locker room.

I stand at the end and anticipate the screams of encouragement and support from the crowd.

Thea's P.O.V

As i walk out of the boys locker room i meet back up with Asher and Bella. They both look a  lot happier than what they did when i left them. I don't even want to know what happened while i was gone. 

"I'm going to go get a drink" Bella says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I'll go with you" Asher says.

"Ok while you guys do that i'll find us a good seat" I say while backing away from the pair.

When i find a seat i sit down and watch the boys come out for training. I turn my head towards my left because i could hear Bella's voice. I smile at her as she sits down next to me. 

"Oh by the way Bella my brothers going to be here" I say to her. 

Bella turns her head in my direction, and when i see her face it has anger and fear written all over it. For christ sake, this better not be another lie that she's kept from me. 

"Your brother? As in the one whose older than you? As in the one your parents disowned?" Bella splutters out.

"Well i do only have one brother" I say in a duh tone. 

Bella rolled her eyes and looked towards the court. Lately we haven't really spent a lot of time together and spoken as much. I'm not sure why but i don't really like it, so i just want to sit down with her and get everything out in the air. 

The game was pretty epic. We won which was amazing, all of the boys did a great job. But Drew did an absolutely amazing job. My voice hurts from screaming at the refs but i didn't get kicked out which was good. 

I'm meeting Drew in the car park once he's showered and all that. I bided my farewells to Asher and Bella. Then started to walk out to the car park. 

When i got there i saw one of the most scariest thing in my life. 

Bella's P.O.V

After Thea left, Ash and I walked over to my locker, because i might've forgotten my homework that i didn't want to do. When we got to my locker i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. i pulled it out and looked at the message. 

From Unknown: You should've kept a better eye on Thea. 

Now i have her and her little lover boy. -T

Once my mind processed the words i felt my body go stiff and my sight went all blurry. I felt Ash take my phone and read the message. 

"What does this mean Bell?" Ash asks with a worried tone. 

I blink away my tears before answering him. 

 "He has Thea and Drew" 

"Who has them?"


"Whose Trent?" 

"He's the leader of the biggest gang also known as Thea's older brother"

A/N: Ok so i know that this chapter was a little boring and ended quickly. But if i'm being honest my heart and head wasn't in this book anymore. So i just rushed to finish it. But now that it is finished i am going to go back and edit the heck out of this book. Let me know if you would want the sequel to be combined in this book, (like have 2 different books in one). Or a completely different book. I might add some stuff into this chapter so just keep an eye out for that. 

And i am so thankful for all of you who have taken time to read my book. I love every single one of you guys. Have a wonderful day/night. 

Don't forget to vote and comment. 


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