Chapter 13

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•Warning this chapter contains swearing•

Ashton's P.O.V

After Ben and Drew left I went down stairs and went into the kitchen.

"Hey mum what are you doing?" I ask while looking at my mum in confusion because she is searching the cupboards.

"I'm looking for sugar and icing sugar for the cake I'm making" she says still looking threw the cupboards.

"if you want I can go down to the shops and get them for you?" I suggest.

"Oh would you do that Hunny?" she asks finally looking up from the cupboards.

"Yeah, so all you need is sugar and icing sugar?" I ask double-checking.

"Yes thank you Hunny I need to finish this cake by tomorrow because Mia's class is having a small party cause one of the kids are moving to Ohio" she says standing up fully.

"ohhhhh, well ill just quickly grab them then ill come back" I say turning around and grabbing my keys and heading to my car.

As I'm coming back from the shops I hear yelling and screaming so I slow down the car and roll down my window so I can hear better.

" YOU FILTHY BITCH, YOU ARE WORTHLESS AND I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!!" I hear a man yell. Then I hear a big crash followed by what sounds like a girls scream.

"YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A STUPID FAT UGLY BITCH WHO WOULD EVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU OR EVEN STAND TO BE NEAR NEAR YOU?!" I hear the same man yell. And this time I just hear a loud high pitch scream and faint

"Please stop" the voice sounds familiar but because it was so quiet I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I see the front door being opened and then a man that looks in his mid 40s step out. He looks familiar like someone I have seen around Dallas. The man looks up and sees me but before he could yell I drove off.

Andrew's P.O.V

The party is starting to get boring so I decide to go grab another drink. When I'm in the kitchen I hear a scream it sounded like it came from out the back so I go see what's happening.

When I walked threw the open back door I look straight and I see Dallas dragging what looks like Thea but I cant be sure because her hair is down and she is wearing a short black dress. I walk closer and I get a good look at the girls face and it is Thea. I see red and storm over there and rip Dallas off of Thea.

"what the hell do you think you are doing?" I ask threw gritted teeth.

He just looks at me before saying "taking what's mine" as soon as those words left his lips I tackled him and started punching him.

"ANDREW STOP PLEASE" I heard Thea yell. But I choose to ignore her and keep punching Dallas.

"ANDREW STOP HE'S NOT WORTH IT!!" I hear her yell again. I punch Dallas one more time and I look him in the eye and say.

"don't you dare go near her again"

I turn around and pull Thea into a hug. I soon feel my shirt become wet. I pull away from the hug and she looks up at me, I wipe some stray tears and look her in the eye.

"lets get you home ok?" I ask her softly. She nods her head we start walking back into the house when I feel her sink into my side. So I put my arm around her waist and lead her out of the house. When we reach my car I decide to message Ben letting know what happened.

Once we arrive at Thea's house I look at her. She has stop crying and doesn't look scared but she looks angry and deep in thought. So I decide to hopefully make her forget about tonight by making her happy.

"Thea we are at your house" I say breaking her from her thoughts.

" how did you know where I live?" she asks with confusion written on her face.

"I know a lot of things" I say with a smirk.

"Mhm ok... did you want to come inside?" she asks me.

"Uhhh... yeah sure" I say.

We both get out of the car and I follow Thea inside the house. As soon as I step inside her house I look around in amazement. Her house is not what I expected. I thought it was going to be this big house with expensive things inside. But instead as soon as you step in it feels like a warm happy environment.

Thea leads me up into her bedroom but before she opens the door she turns towards me.

"I didn't expect compony so my room might be messy... so I apologise for that" she says nervously.

I just nod and wait for her to open her door.

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