Chapter 14

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Asher's P.O.V

I woke up to my bed moving I slowly sit up and open my eyes. As soon as I open my eyes I see Mia jumping on my bed.

"Mia why did you wake me up?" I ask her when she realises i'm awake.

"Mummy told me to or else you would be late for school" she says playing with a toy monkey she has in her hands.

Sighing I layback down and rub the sleep from my eyes and roll over on to my stomach. Suddenly I feel weight on my back bouncing up and down.

"MIA! get off of my back" I say with my voice muffled by my pillow.

"get up Ashey" she says as she starts to walk out of my room.

I roll over on my back and sit up. I get out of my bed and stumble into my bathroom to get ready. After my shower I dry off and go back into my room to pick my clothes for the day. I can't stop thinking about what I heard on Saturday night. The girls voice was so familiar but I can't put my finger on it and it's driving me insane.

Once I finish getting ready I grab my backpack and my phone then head downstairs. I dump my bag in the living room and continue walking into the kitchen to get food. once I've finished I kiss my mums cheek then say my goodbyes to everyone. I go get my bag and head to the door grabbing my keys on the way. I get inside my car and start driving to Drew's house.


We both get out of my car and start walking into school. As we near our lockers Drew walks to someone else's locker. Groaning I follow him to the girl he is walking to. When we get closer I see it is  Thea, they started to talk but I just tuned them out and looked at everyone as they walked by. But something well more like someone caught my attention. I kept on looking at her until she walked up to Thea.

"Oh my goodness sorry I'm late Thea Sam was being a butt face," Bella says looking at Thea.

"Mhm I'm sure you are sorry" Thea said with a smile.

Thea pulls Bella into a hug but as soon as Thea wrapped her arms around Bella's Ribs she flinched. As soon as Bella did that Thea un wrapped and looked at Bella in concern.

"What's wrong?" Thea asked her.

"Oh um Sam and I were play fighting and he pushed me into the coffee table" Bella says not missing a beat.

Drew and I look at each other not believing a word Bella just said. Suddenly the bell rang signalling us to our fist lesson. I mentally groaned because I have home e.c first up. I said my goodbyes to Drew and walked towards the home e.c classroom. As soon as I take a few steps away from Drew, Thea and Bella I hear footsteps behind me. I look over my shoulder and see Bella walking in the same direction as me.

Huh, she must have the same class as me. Bella over takes me and walks fast until she is inside the classroom. I walk inside the classroom and see her siting in the back of the classroom and her seat is the closest to the window. She had a spot next to her so I decided to sit next to her.

"Why are you sitting next to me Asher?" she says not taking her eyes off of the window.

"Because I quite like annoying you I find it quite amusing" I say with a smirk.

She looks over at me and rolls her eyes. Then the teacher walks in and starts writing stuff down on the board=. She tells us to copy that down then she sits down at her desk. So I take this opportunity to annoy Bella.

"pssst" I say looking at her. She doesn't look at me so I decide to do it again.

"psst" I say tapping her shoulder.

As soon as my finger makes contact with her shoulder she flinches and mumbles something under her breath.

"pssst" I try again.

This time she looks up at me with an annoyed look.

"What do you want Asher?" she asks.

"I want to know why you flinched when Thea hugged you and when I poked your shoulder" I say looking her in they eye.

As soon as I finished my sentence her eyes dart around the room trying not to look at me. I poke her hand and she snaps her eyes to mine.

"weeeeelllll??? I'm waiting for an answer" I say drawing out the well.

"I told you before me and Sam were play fighting" she says quietly.

Then she starts to copy the stuff that the teacher wrote on the board. After 10 minutes I look at Bella again. I then realise her sleeve is sliding up. I look at her wrists and see bruises that are yellow and purple and they look like someone grabbed her wrist way to hard. I extend my arm and gently grab her hand causing her to look up at me.

I slowly push the fabric of her jacket but her arm. As it goes up it displays more bruises. Bella snatches her arm back and pushes the fabric down.

"Who did that to you?" I ask quietly with concern in my voice.

she just looks at me before saying "like I said before I was playing with Sam"

when she said that the bell went. Bella grabbed her stuff and quickly walked out of the classroom leaving me to process what I just saw.

And boy I did not like it.

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