Chapter 5

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Bella's P.O.V

As soon as I see him I run into the store and get the Nutella. I'm hoping he doesn't see me so I don't stuff around, I just go in and get the Nutella. Once I've paid for it I run out of the store and run to Thea's house. She needs to know that he is back.

As I'm running I start thinking that I really need to start saving up for a car so I won't have to walk every where I go because it is starting to get annoying.

As I turn down her street I push myself harder because I need to pee and also tell Thea the big news. I get to her door and I start knocking, I don't hear anyone coming so I knock again. I hear a faint "I'm coming hold on" as soon as the door opens Thea looks at me strangely.

"What the hell are you doing here puffed out holding Nutella?" She asks with an amused face and a small chuckle.

"Wait I'll tell you as soon as I pee," I say. Then I rush past her and throw the Nutella somewhere and head to her ensuite to use the toilet.

Once I've finished my business I walk into the kitchen to see Thea sitting at the table on her phone. When she hears me she looks up from her phone and puts it down. I know that all of her attention is now on me. I take a big breath and sit down next to her.

"Ok so what I'm about to tell you is very important and you can't do anything insane," I say sternly.

"Yes ok, I promise now just tell me what happened and why you showed up on my door step puffed out with Nutella in your hand."

She asks with a concerned voice. I sigh and sit up straighter.

"Ok, so it started off with me watching netfli-." I start but Thea cuts me off.

"I don't need your life story just tell me what happened," She says with an annoyed look.

"Ok so long story short I ate all of the Nutella and walked to the shop to get more so dad doesn't get angry at me, and when I walked through the door I saw someone," I say the last bit quietly.

"Who did you see Arabella?" She asks sternly. Oh gosh, she just used my full name. She is getting close to losing her temper.

"I saw Dallas" I mumble.

"What did you just say, Arabella?" She asks with a hard look on her face. I sigh.

"Dallas.... I saw Dallas." I breathe out.

As soon as I say this her face goes pale and she sinks back into her seat. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, it started worrying me so I decided to see if she was ok.

"Thea? Are you ok?" I ask her quietly not wanting to scare her. She doesn't say anything but nods her head.

"Don't lie to me Thea I've known you forever you can't lie to me," I say with a stern voice.

I look at Thea to see her already looking at me with tears in her eyes I instantly get up and hug her.

"I... I can't see him again Bella not after how things ended between us." She stutters.

She starts sobbing on my shoulder and I can feel the wetness seep through my top. I rub her back trying to calm her down. I think of something that I can do to make her happy so I pull away and look at her with a small smile.

"I would offer you Nutella but.... I kind of lost it when I chucked it because I needed to pee so badly." I say with a smile. My comment makes Thea laugh. She wipes her eyes and starts to walk towards the living room.

I stare at her in confusion but I decide to follow her to see what she is doing.

I see her stop out the front of the stairs so I stand next to her and see what she is looking at. On the leather 3 seater is my glorious Nutella. I grin and run to it. I pick it up and rock it in my arms like you would do to a baby and murmur a shhhh. I hear a chuckle and see Thea looking at me weirdly.

After an hour of doing nothing but laying on Thea's bed listening to Jake Miller, I decide to head back home so Sam doesn't think that I've been kidnapped or something. I say my goodbyes to Thea and begin the long walk home.

I seriously need a car!

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