Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V

I glared at Bethany and try wiping some of the food off of me but it was no use, so now I have to go to my locker and grab my spare top I always keep in case of emergency.

On my way to my locker, I hear a voice but I'm not sure if they're talking to me so I simply ignore it and continue to my locker.

"Oi smelly." I heard loudly behind my back. I looked behind me and there I saw AsherPeters standing a few feet away looking at me.

Asher is one of the schools bad boys and Bethany's lap dog. He is tall, tan and muscular. He has dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and all the girls swoon over him. I am no exemption; he is clearly good looking but has a horrible personality. He is kind of like an apple. He is good looking on the outside but inside he is bruised and brown so people just chuck him away.

Needless to say, I don't want to talk to him nor have I ever had a real conversation with him.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask pointing to myself.

"Yes you, you're the only other person in this hallway," He says in an annoyed voice. Gosh, this guy is a jerk.

"What do you want?" I ask in a very annoyed tone.

"Well, I just wanted to say that I see you really got into that spaghetti". He says with an evil smirk on his face. I stand there shocked.

"And now I think of it you do smell funky haven't you ever heard of a shower?" he asks with a bored face.

"Yes, I have heard of a shower" I snap at him. I am so not in the mood right now.

"That's good now go home and use one", and with that last comment, he walks away.He is an evil specimen.

Once he's out of my eyesight I grab my spare top and go to the girl's bathrooms to change. 

Once I've changed my top I head back to find Thea.

"Hey," I say with a sigh.

"Hi." she says with a small smile.

"What took you so long to change?" She asks with a confused look.

"I ran into Asher and he just said a few things to me," I say honestly.

"Wait... you mean THE Asher Peters the one you hate with a passion? And the one that is tied around Bethany's finger? The one that's kinda hot?" She asks with a wide smile.

"The one and only," I say. I look at my phone and realise that lunch is almost over so we both get up and head to our next class.

Thea's P.O.V

Once school finished I said goodbye to Bella and head to the girl's locker room to get changed into my sports uniform. Tonight is the first training we have with the boys and coach Boyle. Once I've gotten changed I see some of my team members already in the gym so I grab a ball and dribble it over to them.

My team and the boy's team stand on opposite sides of the court.

My team huddles and starts to discuss some of our plays for finals but Coach Boyle enters the gym before we can actually get started.

Coach Boyle places down some cones on the key. "Stand where you would in offence". He calls out.

I slowly walk over to the cone at the top of the key while my teammates walk to where they're supposed to stand.

The boys don't move just look at coach with a confused look on their faces. "You too boys". Coach yells.

I know most of the boys in their team but one of them stands out the most; Sam, Bella's twin brother. I've known him for my whole life so he is like a brother to me.

"Hey Thea," He says with a smile.

"Hey Sam, what's going on? Why are we standing next to cones?" I ask him.

"SAM." Coach Boyle calls. Sam turns around and Coach continues. "Get to your cone, NOW." Wow, don't mess with Coach Boyle he can be scary.

There are two people on every cone, a boy and a girl, except my cone; there's just me.

All of a sudden the gym doors burst open and in walks Andrew Matthews with his hand on Bethany's lower back.

"Andrew, where have you been? We have started training and would appreciate it if you wouldn't burst in here with someone who isn't allowed to be in the gym after school."

"Sir, she was wondering if she could be our cheerleader," Andrew asks smiling down at Bethany. Ugh, they're so pathetic.

"Andrew, as I already told Bethany we are not having cheerleaders, so Bethany if you could kindly exit the gym and leave Andrew to train." Coach Boyle says as politely as possible.

Bethany leaves the gym but not before an awful and awkward serious PDA.

Andrew makes his way over to the key. "Stand where you would in offence." Coach says.

Andrew nods his head, walks over and stands next to me.

"Because I can't train two teams at the same time the person standing next to you will be your partner. With your partner, you will train at least twice a week outside of training along with the two trainings with me." WHAT THE FUC-.

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