Chapter 15

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Thea's P.O.V

The school bell rang signalling the end of the day. Thank the lord for that. I head to the change rooms and get changed for training.

I head out of the change rooms and see Bella standing there looking at her phone.

"Hey what are you doing here? I thought you were walking home today cause I have practise?" I say looking confused.

"oh..uhh... I didn't want to walk home so I'm gonna sit and watch you train and then could you drop me home?"

I did not like the way she started that sentence.

"Hey Bell are you ok?" I asked with concern evident in my voice.

"yeah I'm fine I just don't wanna walk home" she said with a small smile.

I just nod my head and start heading to the gym. As we got closer to the gym we hear a basketball bouncing on the floor. We look at each other and shrug.

"Do you think Andrew is already practicing?" Bella asks looking towards the door.

"Maybe" I say with a shrug.

We walk into the gym and see Asher and Andrew playing around with the basketball.

Bella and I look at each other and then we clear our throats.

They stop what their doing and look around to see what the noise was. When their eyes finally landed on us they pulled a weird face.

"What on earth are those faces?!?! Is... is that a double chin I see forming on your face Asher?" Bella says with a smirk.

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh" he says with sarcasm oozing off of him.

"Ok lovebirds break it up unlike you 2 some of us need to train" Andrew says patting Asher's shoulder.

Bella's P.O.V

If I could kill myself right now. Trust me I would. If its not the boredom of watching Thea and Andrew train. It's the annoying boy besides me.

"Bella" *poke*

"Bella" *poke*


"Oh my gosh you are so annoying, what do you want?!" I ask and turn to him.

"I could name a lot of things I want" he said with a smirk.

"ugh whatever" I say as I turn back around and lean against the wall.

I carefully grab my bag from the floor, to see if I have any aspirin for my ribs. When i don't find any I throw my bag on the floor and groan.

"Whoa what did your bag ever do to you?" Asher said.

I just glare at him. I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against the wall. I saw Asher's eyes flick down towards my chest and back up towards my face. I just give him a blank look.

"Nothing don't worry" i sigh. 

"That didn't seem like nothing" he says with a smirk. 

i look up to his face and see he has a smirk but his eyes are showing concern. I just shrug and lean down to pick up my bag. But on my way down i start to get dizzy and i stumble, i brace my self for the impact but it never comes. 

"Woah there that was defiantly not nothing" i hear Asher say.

i feel myself slowly being pulled up, i look down at my waist and see two big hands wrapped around me. i slowly turn around in the arms and i come face to face? scratch that, i come face to chest with Asher. 

i start to get dizzy again so i put my face in his chest. His arms tighten around me. 

"Bell are you ok?" Asher asks me. 

i feel myself smile a little when i hear what he calls me. i answer him with a slow shake of my head. 

"Whats wrong?" he asks. 

i inhale his sent and look up from his chest to his face.

"I get dizzy easily" i say quietly. 

By the look on his face he wants to know how i got my bruises. 

"Bell what else aren't you telling me?" he asks me.

i sigh and rest my forehead on his chest and close my eyes. 

"I'm sleepy" i mumble to him.

i feel one of his hands move up from my waist and to my back. i feel his hand start to rub my back. i rest my head more into his chest and i relax. 


i groan into Asher's chest.

"Oh gosh Bella what happened?" i hear my twin brother ask me. 

i move my head to the side and see Sam standing to the side with concern and amusement on his face. i sigh again, wow i really do sigh a lot.

"It happened again Sammy" i say. 

i feel Asher tense at my words. i look up at Asher and see that he is already looking down at me. i give him a small smile and i turn my head towards Sam. 

"Jesus Bella i told you to tell me when it happens again, i don't want a repeat of last time especially if we are late home because he's h-"

"Sam" i warn cutting him off. 

he smiles sheepishly and starts rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah right sorry my bad but speaking of we should start heading home, we have to stop by the shops quickly." he says. 

sighing i try to untangle myself from Asher keyword: Try.

i look up at him and see he is still looking down at me. i raise my eyebrow at him and he just shakes his head. He reluctantly lets me go and he bends down to pick up my bag, he hands it over to me and starts to walk around me.But before he goes completely past me his arm reaches out and goes around my waist pulling me to his side. i look up at him and raise my eyebrow again.

"Im not letting this go, but if you need anything Bell text me okay?" he asks me quietly.

i smile and nod my head. his lips turn up into a small smile and he walks off.

"Well looks like someone has a little explaining to dooooo" i hear my annoying brother say.

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