Sequel Information

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Hi everyone!

i hope you enjoyed this book. I know it was kind of quick, horrible, didn't make sense and not edited.

But i need your help.

I would like your opinion on the sequel.

I would like to know what:

What you would like the name to be?

What you would like the story line to be.

What characters to be in it.

Whose P.O.V it should be in.

i have a general idea but i wanted to see what you guys wanted. If you guys wanted to make any covers just PM me.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys, who took the time to read my horribly edited book. It really means a lot to watch the number of views of this book go up.

i would like to know how many of you guys would actually read the sequel. Because if none of you guys would read it i might not make it. So it all comes down to you guys and what you guys want.

Have a marvellous day or night! xx


The Bad Boys GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora