"Okay. I'll put that money in your account. Just let me know, how much."


"Make sure you wake up in enough time to eat breakfast baby, even if it's just cereal. You want to be energized and ready."


"You and Cals walking or going to take the bus?"

"I don't know. Guess it depends on how we feel. Campus not that far, so probably just walk."

"Where Auggie?"

"His girlfriend crib."

"Okay. Pray for Sata."

"Why what's wrong?"

"She's having surgery soon to get her fibroids removed. Ahh I'm just so stressed all the way across the board. I just want everything to be fine with her. "

"Ma don't start."

"I'm not." She kept herself from crying. "Tell Auggie and Callie to keep her lifted up."

"I will. And you stop working yourself up. What you teach us? While we're trying to figure it out, God already worked it out. It's worked out."

"Is that my son or Bishop T. D. jakes I hear." My pop joked.

"I know a lil something Pop. I be listening."

"Your ears big enough you should."

"Let's not get on that windshield forehead you got." I joked back.

"Y'all stop." My mother said laughing.

"Aight Ma well love you and you can call me anytime except booty call hours cause I'm busy then."

"Amiri goodbye." She rolled her eyes.

"Bye." I laughed.

We kissed the phone and hung up.

"Aww Yung Buck loves his mommy."

I turned around to see Morgan was leaned against the kitchen counter. I didn't even realize she was there.

Our living room was connected to the kitchen

She walked over. I sat up.

"Wanted to thank you for giving me your room."

"It's cool." I shrugged and turned my attention to the tv.

Why was I fucking nervous. Ain't that some female shit?

I stared at the tv, thinking she would walk away. And not knowing what to say. But she stood there with her arms folded. Looking at me.

"So umm, what was that you told your mom?" She finally asked.

"About?" I didn't look at her.

"That bible stuff."

"While you're trying to figure it out, God has it worked out?" I looked at her.

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