Chapter 15

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Song: Hanging On by Ellie Goulding
(Floe and Hale)

"Everybody, proceed to the rendevous point." Said a voice over the comlink.

"Copy that. We might take a while, we've got some Imperials stuck on our tail." Han said throught he mic.

"You do what you have to Captain Solo, we hope to see you soon."

Han logged off the comlink and rtyed to out manover the star destroyers behind us, and get us past the blockade.

Aside from everything happening, Hale couldn't help but worry about Floe. After what happened in the hangar, he hadn't seen her since. He searched everywhere for her, until someone told him she had gotten in an unregistered ship and taken off. To the rendavous point, hopefully.


Floe looked at the coordinates on her screen. Someone must have sent her them. It was possibly Hale. Just thinking about him made her feel bad for doing this. But then she had to think about herself. Ever since Darth Kyra let Floe's true opinions come out, she's realised something. She doesn't belong in the Rebellion. She belongs to the Empire. Deep down, she knew it. She began to approach The Executor in her stolen TIE fighter spacecraft.

"Unidentified shuttle, we have you in our sights. Please state your name and business." Said a voice through the comlink.

Floe nervously presseed on the talk-over button and licked her lips.

"This is shuttle Ponessa, requesting a landing on your ship." She tried to speak clearly.

"State your name and business." They said back to her.

"My name is Floe Amira and I'm an aquaintance of Darth Kyra." Floe decided it would be best to be truthful, but bend a few bits here and there.

"Lord Kyra has no aquaintances. I'm afraid-" He was suddenly cut off.

There was nothing but radio silence. It dawned on Floe that this probably wasn't a good idea. She was about to turn around and get the hell out of dodge, when a famililar voice crackled in over the comlink.

"Ah, yes. Floe Amira," spoke a familiar voice, "I've been waiting for you. Please, go ahead and board."

Floe hesitated at first, before seeing a hatch open up in the lower part of the ship. She flew in and landed, just as directed. After waiting for the O2 levels to stablize, she exited her ship. A figure with a hood over their face appeared at the end of the hangar; obviously waiting for her.

Floe approached with caution.

"Hello?" She said uncertainly.

There was no response from them.

"I'm looking for a Darth Kyra," she continued, "do you happen to know of her whereabouts?"

The figure slowly rose their head, showing off a set of peircing blue eyes, charcole black hair, and wicked red smile. A laugh arose from their chest and escaped their mouth.

"I believe you've already found her. I've been expecting you."

"Y-you have?" Stuttered Floe.

Kyra nodded once.

"How did you know I would come?" Floe asked.

Lord Kyra walked closer toward her. She was so close now Floe could see all her features. She hadn't realised how pale Kyra's skin was, it made her beauty more astonishing. Every part of her face was perfect; like a porcelin doll. It made Floe feel suddenly insecure about herself.

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