Chapter 1(Prologue)

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Author's Note:

// UNDER CONSTRUCTION// Yeah, if you read the bio and still decided to read this (lord knows why you crazy person) then many chapters will probably seem really choppy bc I'm in the middle of rewriting it to make sense with the other 2 books ( one of which I haven't published yet either so lol) So yeah, that's whats happening, if you don't like this story I don't blame you, neither do I, but I've got some sentimental attachments and don't want to take it down lmao


The memories of my past creep into my mind while I sleep. Slowly, night after night, I piece together my memories until a puzzle is formed. Everything fits together. I begin to remember certain events that were all but forgotten. They begin to reveal themselves again. My most recent solved puzzle, must have been my first memory...

Screams of fright woke me from my slumber. Something bothered me deeply. I felt like my mother and father were in danger. Grave danger. I wanted to get up and save my parents from their pending doom. But I was just a baby. There was nothing I could do. I so felt useless and helpless. A thick smoke began to fill the room. It seeped into my lungs, as if I was choking on dust. The smell burned my nose from the inside out. I cried out in pain. I screamed in frustration and kicked about my legs in a useless attempt to warn off the smoke, as if it would work. Then orange flames began to lick the inside of the house. I was screaming so loudly now that my throat burned twice as badly. My head felt like it would explode, tears blurred my vision.

Finally I felt someone coming, footsteps began to become audible. A cooing voice attempted to sooth me. I felt relaxed and light headed as the person kept going. They carried me away from the smoke, fire and chaos, replaced by the cool night air. After that, I slowly fell into a familiar black world that meant rest, sleep...

That was my most recent memory, and it took me two weeks to figure it out, perfect it and churn it back into something I can recall. After consideration, I figured it was me, as a baby, about 20 years ago. I don't know where I was in this memory, or why there was so much smoke and flame. I know it was before I was taken in by the Empire, but any other information eluded me. 

I wasn't quite sure what my life meant until six years after that, when I began my training. I was told I was taken at the request of Emperor Palpatine. Well, indirectly anyway. Emperor Palpatine ordered Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith to take whatever child he believed could be immensely strong in the Force. I was told he could feel the Force radiating off me. And so he had to take me, and he had to train me. For years I was sent on missions that required stealth, tenacity and techniques that were unique to the Sith.

That was how my life had been ever since that day. Growing stronger and stronger until I was finally named a Sith Lord. 

I am Darth Kyra. This is my story.

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