Dirty Business

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"The CIA?" Pin says ans Chris points the gun even closer to his face.

"Where is she you son of a bitch!??" Chris screams.

"The next day after the accident.." Pin hesitates. "Ralph asked me to take Rosalinda and fly with her to Deming, to this house." Pin closes his eyes. "A week later he took her with him to Mexico. I haven't heard about her since."

Chris walks away and shakes his head.

"Where in Mexico?" I ask standing up. I know he knows more.

"Probably in one of the towns Ralph keeps his companies." Pin says. "Well kept. I was supposed to go to his funeral-"

"Shut up." Alice says in back of him."No one cares."

"Melvin. Check all the business Ralph had in Mexico. We will go to the nearest town tonight." Chris says.

"I am doing that right now." Melvin says. "But it's best of we leave, I don't want my computer to get jacked up with this connection. Let's go." He closes his computer and stands up.

"Let's go then." Sean says.

"Is Dr.Twan okay. You guys didn't hurt her?" Pin says and I nod.

"She is perfectly fine. Probably in agony because she thinks we will kill you.." I say and the crew laughs.

"You know, just because Ralph died doesn't mean his business is." Pin says and I look at him in confusion.

"Why cause you still run it?" I say.

"I stopped working for him a long time ago, that's why I live in peace now." Pin says. "However, if you really want to help the CIA, give them these names; Lorenzo, Luis and Jorge. They are the heads of Ralph's business in Mexico and the US."

"You got those?" I ask Melvin and he nods.

"Okay... I guess we will leave now. " Chris says.

"I hope you find her. I can't seem to forgive myself for doing what I did. I didn't know she had kids." Pin says and I nod.

"Well she does, and we will find her." I say.

"Will you guys go to Ralph's funeral?" He asks.

"God one." I say as I laugh with sarcasm. "Fuck no. But why are you if he made you do dumb shit?"

"I guess I;m going to celebrate instead of mourning." He says and I actually laugh.

"Fake ass friends in life." Chris says. "Can't trust em'. "

"Who invited you to the funeral anyway?" Alice asks and she actually read my mind because I was just about to ask that.

"A family member of Ralph. I thought it was his fiancé, what was her name..Sasha." Pin says and it strikes my heart to hear her name.

"No she, she, was killed by Ralph himself." I say and I turn away because it kills me to think back to that day.

"Wow." Pin says in horror. "But yeah, no it was a girl. Eve Shaw." I turn around and give a glance between Sean and Chris.

"Oh shit." Melvin says.

"You have a sister?" Maggie asks and I shake my head. God forbid that girl was my sister.

"No she's Owen's daughter." Chris answers for me. "Why the hell would she do that?" I don't know but after we deal with this situation, we need to settle things with Eve. We leave Pin's house and head back to the hotel. Melvin goes right to finding the nearest city where Ralph had his dirty businesses.

The city of Ascension pops up and that will be our next destination for tonight.

At Night- 8PM

We come up with the plan of driving the two hours to Ascension. We pack everything and leave the hotel.

"We're taking the crossovers? I ask Chris.

"No. I paid the guy in the hotel to take them back to Albuquerque." Chris says and I look at him on confusion.

"So what are we going to do?" Sean asks.

"We will take a bus." Melvin says in disappointment. And so it happens, we hop on a bus with all these other strangers. The bus is those big ones with bathrooms and two rows.

"I would've walked." Maggie says in disgust. It really does stink in here.

"This was the only option available. We can't always drive Audi cars okay." Melvin says sitting in back of me. "Damn you Chris. We could have drove and Audi." He says and the crew laughs.

I lay my head on top of Sean's shoulder.

"We are closer than ever to your mom." He says and kisses my head.

"It's still a long path though.." I say kissing him.

"But I'm here to go through it all with you." He says. Man do I love him. I can't see my self without him. After a few minutes the bus stops for gas. The driver asks if any of the passengers want to buy anything there is a store inside the gas station. Alice and Chris go along with some other passengers. The rest of the crew stays. Well Melvin is sleeping, Maggie is drawing, Sean is playing some game on his phone and I am just thinking.

"You sure you don't want anything?" I ask Sean.

"Yes baby. I'm perfectly fine right here next to you." Sean says leaning on me.

The driver comes back, along with the passengers, but not sign of Alice and Chris.

"Last call for the gas station." The driver announces and I ask him for Alice and Chris, I describe them as two young teens.

"No señorita (young lady), I haven't seen them. I am sorry, but we have to proceed." The driver responds. Melvin wakes up, Maggie stops drawing and Sean stops playing. I stop breathing all together. Who does this guy thinks he us.

"This bus will not leave without them!" I say as I walk down the isle. I run outside and call Chris's and Alice's name. The crew does the same. Its pitch dark outside though, and cold. The only lights are the gas stations and those of the bus.

"I call their phones, but they are off." Melvin says in desperation. Maggie runs inside the store, Sean checks the surrounding areas...Nothing. There are no signs of cars around except for a large truck that pulls off in the distance.

Where could they have gone. This is no prank, this is serious. Someone must have taken them.

Miles Per Hour 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon