"Y-yeah, busy day at work."

"I thought you were done by eight? Why home so early?"

"T-the manager called in two more people and sent me home because she also thought I needed a break," Hinata admitted, taking her shoes off. "Which I will do right now."

It hurt that she didn't even acknowledge me. It hurt that she didn't even give me a second look before she went in to her room to rest.

The sound of her door shutting made my entire body flinch like it was a slap across my face.

"Go," Sakura suddenly stood up, taking the kit with her.

"I don't think she wants to see me," I murmured. "I messed up big time."

"And so does the other 7 billion people that share the same air as you," she walked around the sofa and towards the front door, putting on some sandals, "That is why everybody tries to make things right. Go before she actually does fall asleep."

Then she was gone; leaving me sitting alone on the sofa debating whether or not to actually take the advice. I've already hurt Hinata today, I don't think I can do that again.

But I don't think I can live through another session of Hinata not even looking at me. Or that forced smile.

No, I can't.



Did it hurt when I saw Naruto sitting in the living room?


Did it hurt when I saw his hand bandage?


Did it hurt to see him alone in my dorm with another girl only a few inches away?

No...yes. Yes it did hurt.

But I know they were doing nothing. It's just that deep down, I knew that Naruto had feelings for Sakura or has feelings for Sakura no matter how many times he denies it. It's obvious whenever we pass her in the hallways or whenever she talks to him. There's like there's a special little fire lit under his butt that gives him this special burst of joy whenever she's in his radar.

I observe, and no matter how much it hurts, I notice every little thing.

The sound of the front door opening and closing echoed in the background. I guess I really did upset him earlier when I asked him that question. Truth is, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to let anyone, even if he was my boyfriend, into my life because at any given moment I'll make a mistake then they'll turn their back on me.

Just as Naruto has done not once but twice now.

How am I supposed to get close to him if he could get mad at me so fast for something as simple as asking why he actually cares about me?

I don't know how.

Two soft knocks sounded at my door.


No answer.

That's weird.

"Who is it?" I stood up from where I was sitting on my bed to my door.

I thought everybody already left. Sakura must've stayed behind.

The moment I opened my door, I regretted it.

Naruto stood there, his unbandaged hand hanging in air as if it had a purpose but it failed it's job. His blue eyes looking at my bare toes without any recognizable emotion.

He didn't say anything for a pretty good amount of time. My heart turned in a very weird way, making my entire body a little weak with anticipation as to why he's still here. It would've so much easier if Sakura stayed and he left. At least, I could talk to her without really worrying about offending her in any way.

"Naruto-kun?" I said, my voice a little shaky. "W-what do you want?"

The sound of him inhaling deafening.

Suddenly, he leaned forward; his face heading straight for my shoulder and didn't stop until I could feel his soft cheek against my own, his chin on my shoulder. I could feel my body suddenly go rigid just as his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his muscular body. A soft exhale tickled my ear.

"I will be patient," Naruto nuzzled my cheek a little more. "I promise."

His words melted the tension that was building up in my body. Slowly I closed my eyes, and I leaned into his own body.

I let Naruto hold me, as I slowly chipped at the wall separating Naruto and my life.

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now