Hot & Dry, New Mexico

Start from the beginning

"You're really coming?" Melvin asks in surprise.

"Of course." Maggie smiles. "Listen, I don't care if my Dad finds me. You guys have taught me to live life not caring about the consequences."

"Maggie Hobbs please walk up to receive your diploma. You have graduated from CIA Race Crew University." Sean says and we laugh.

"She has not graduated yet.."I say breaking the moment. "When she loses her fear of driving and racing, then she will be an honor's graduate." We cheer for Maggie, well Chris doesn't, he is not in the best mood today.

-4 Hours Later-

Alice comes back a little bit more relaxed. She explained to her parents who she works with and why she will not go to college. They had a heart attack, but she said she was firm in her decision and they had to accept. I tell her she really had the balls to stand up to her parents like that.

We board the plane to New Mexico and in two hours, we land in Albuquerque. Due to the time difference, we left Atlanta at 6pm, and we got here and it was still 6pm which Melvin and Sean found to be "so cool."

"Its like we never moved in time yo." Melvin says in amazement. We walk out to rent two taxis outside the airport. We drive to pick up the red T-shirts and caps with the 'Cable Company' logo on them in that store Sean order them in. We then do some shopping to buy the black pants that go with this uniform. Then, Chris and Alice rent two crossovers since they are over 18 and we drive down to Deming which takes like four hours. We decide to stay in a Days Inn hotel since its like 1 AM.

Alice and Chris have been ignoring each other since this morning's altercation; I never expected for their argument to last this long. I need to think of ways to get them back together because this 'ignoring each other' shit, makes us, the crew, feel like we are in the middle of everything.

Like when they rented the two Chevy cross overs to drive down here; Melvin wanted to hop in with Alice along with Maggie, then Chris got mad because he felt that we all were ignoring him. Then I felt weird because Sean and I decided to ride with Chris and not Alice. We just felt that Chris also needed support, but that didn't mean we felt like Alice didn't...and so on and on and on.

"Chris, set your pride aside and send her flowers or something man." Sean says as we pull up to the hotel. This city is a hell of a ghost. There literally was no one driving on the road we were just on.

"No, because it's not my fault. Nothing happened-" Chris starts and I shut him up because Sean and I had to hear this babbling the whole four hours we were on the road. Even when we stopped for gas, he kept babbling and babbling as he filled the tank.  "She needs to trust me." "I am not perfect, but no one is and it pisses me..." "Haven't I shown her my love.." I texted Melvin and Maggie a couple of times and they told me they were experiencing the same thing.

At one point, I showed Sean the small scar that formed on my leg from the infection I got that night in that hill in London. That made Chris remember how we thought Alice died that night when we found her car in flames. "Oh yeah. Remember my reaction, I wanted to die! All this shit I did for her for her to be so ungrateful.."

"For real Chris. Just ask for forgiveness." I say as I hop out and walk inside to the lobby. Melvin gives me a terrified look.

"Never again in my life." He mouths shaking his head.

"It was that bad?" I whisper laughing.

"Oh yeah." He says. "But look, we will put them in the same room. Alice is already upstairs  and I just asked the receptionist to give me the key to that room. Give it to Chris kay."

"Great plan. Maggie came up with it?" I say and he nods. And so it happens, I give Chris the key.

"You really checked out for me?" Chris asks in confusion.

"Of course bro. You look and sound stressed." I say and he gives me a half smile.

"Thanks. I'll ask the receptionist where this room is then."

"Chris really? This hotel only has two floors, go to up to the second floor dumb ass."  I say as I lead him to the stairs. If this love plan doesn't work I don't know what will.

The Next Day-

The plan went perfectly because this morning, they were all over each other in the breakfast restaurant. After we ate, we changed into our 'Cable Company' red and black uniform to get ready to raid Dang Pin's crib here in Deming.

We put on our ear communication devices and watches. We take some guns and other weapons just in case.

Now that Chris and Alice are back on good terms, they are inseparable so I decide to drive one of the crossovers. Melvin and Maggie decide to ride with me along with Sean. Basically, we left them alone to enjoy each other.

Deming is a desert, literally. Its sandy everywhere except like one section downtown. It's also hot and dry . The sun burns like crazy.

When we get to Pin's house, Melvin and Alice quickly hack into Pin's system and damage his connection. It's a whole neighborhood with pretty, luxurious, houses all around.

"Just wait for a few and then we will knock on his door." Melvin says hopping back inside the crossover. He hands us all these fake ID's Alice managed to print in the hotel.

"Can we go now?" I say after almost 10 minutes have passed. Sean nods.

"Game on." Sean says.

"Chris, Alice and I will go first." Melvin says as he hops off the crossover.

"Okay go." Maggie says as they walk to the gates of the house, a few seconds later they walk inside.

"Hey. Sorry for disturbing your connection. We were fixing some wires on the house next door and we accidentally messed up yours." I hear Chris say, sounding very grown.

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