Bro Sis Moment

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( A/N Enjoy! :DD Comment, vote, etc. ! I love you guys for reading! (:  How is everyone? .o. )

We heard the door shut as we walked to the elevator. Liam pressed the button that signaled we were going to the lobby.

"So what are the plans for today?" I asked.

Before Liam could answer, the elevator doors opened. We walked in and I pressed the 'L' button meaning the Lobby.

"Umm...lunch and I was hoping we could go ask your mom about you going to London with us and meeting dad and everything. Oh and then sound check and the concert." Liam looked over at me and smiled.

"Sounds great! Let's hope my mom doesnt flip out because that wouldn't be good.." I said before smiling back at Liam. I looked away and bit down on my lip. I didn't know how my mom would react but I have a feeling it'd take a while to convince her.

The elevator doors opened and we walked out into the lobby. We saw a large crowd of fans outside. It's not much of a surprise anymore. As we got closer to the door, the number of flashes I saw go off, gradually increased. I wasn't used to having the paparazzi around. I was honestly a bit frightened. I look over at Liam and he looked at me with a look that said he already knew what was on my mind.

"Here take my hand. You'll be okay." He extended his arm out and I accepted his offer. We walked hand in hand in a brother and sister way, obviously. We stepped out the door with Liam in front. I was blinded by all the flashes. Luckily Liam knew the way to the car. Liam let go of my hand which let me know we were at the car already. He opened the door and I climbed in, making sure not to hit my head. I shut the door and Liam ran over to the drivers side, opened the door, hopped in, and shut the door. He put the key in the ignition and the car's motor roared and we sped off, not hitting any paparazzi, fortunately.

"Thank god we're out of that mess!" Liam said while concentrating on driving.

"I know. I was a bit scared. I thought I was going to get mobbed!" I said with a laugh at the end. "So where are getting lunch at?"

"Umm.. this restaurant called Spires. I haven't been there in years! Its only in the States. Dad introduced it to me a while back."  ( A/N Spires does exist and omfg its food is aaammmaaaazziiiinnnggg!!! )

"Oh my gosh! I've actually been there! I go there all the time with Mom! The food is pretty enjoyable! Oh especially the salad! It's so cool, fresh, and crisp."

"I know, I love it! Wow its awesome that we both have gone there before."

"Yeah..oh look there's one right there!" I pointed to a familiar, small restaurant with the sign that surely enough said 'Spires.'

"Thats the one I was taking us to."  Liam laughed. We drove into the parking lot, found a spot, and parked the car. I got out and so did Liam. We walked to the front door and into the restaurant. We stopped in the front desk and waited to be seated. It was quite full but I knew they'd easily find a table for two.  

"Just two adults?" A friendly-looking brunette that worked there said to us. She grinned as she recognised Liam.

"Uh yes." Liam said

"Right over here. You are welcome to change tables if you don't like this one."

"No this one is fine." I smiled at the waitress.

"Alright then. Here are your menus and I'll be back in a few." She smiled at us and walked off.

"So what are you gonna get?" I asked Liam.

"The club sandwich."

"Oh my gosh! That's my favorite! I was going to get that too.expect witho.."

“Without Tomato?!”

"Copy catter! Just kidding." Liam laughed.

"It's a sister and brother thing."


Just then the waitress appeared again. "So what can I get you guys for your drinks?"

"Sweetened iced tea for me." I said.

The waitress scribbled on her notepad.

"And for you?" She looked up at Liam with a big smile.

"Regular iced tea."

" you two know what you will be eating today?"

"2 club sandwiches, one for each of us. No Tomato please" Liam said.

"Would you want french fries or fruits?"

"I want fruit on mine." Liam said.

My jaw dropped.

"And for you?"

"Um uhh french fries on mine." I said.

Expect the Unexpected (Harry Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz