Silent Night

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Chapter 23

( Hey guys Nancy here (: Just wanted to thank Katelyn for writing this chapter and chapter 22. She's an amazing writer and I love her! Thanks Kate! )

Kate's POV

*about 2 am*

Harry was knocked out and I couldn't sleep. I remembered I still needed to get my phone.

I got up very slowly trying not to wake Harry. I walked around the room in the dark till I thought I found it and just as I thought it was dead. I plugged it into the charger and waited till it turned on to see if I had any messages or missed calls. Usually I only got around 4 but they were either my mom's or Giselle's calls or texts. 

My eyes widened at the number I saw. 15 messages. Huh? 15?

I clicked on them and they were mostly by unknown numbers.

#1 hey Kate! Remember me? Vanessa. Remember that you'll dream will come to an end. You're still the LOSER you were before.

#2 Priscilla here. Of course you're with One Direction you little slut.

#3 An angel tweeted your number. Just wanted to let you know that you're an ugly b**** and don't expect to be with Harry he's mine!

#4 Listen B**** we don't know if you're really Liam's sister. You're just a gold digger!

I went through all the hurtful text messages. I knew exactly who tweeted my number. It was Vanessa. I was crying my eyes out. I don't know why I didn't just stop reading. I couldn't. I finally got to the last text. The only text that wasn't hate.

Mommy: I love you! Don't forget that mija!

My mom always knew there was something wrong even when she really didn't. Gosh I love her.

I heard Harry move around a bit so I didn't take any chances and scrambled to the bathroom. I didn't want him to see me like this. Not here. Not now.

I closed the door and broke down. The stream of tears didn't stop. I hit the wall then slid down, putting my head between my knees. I cried and cried not knowing what to do.

Then it came to mind. That awful thought I knew I shouldn't. I tried to fight it and not think about it. It's the only way to relieve my pain.

I looked around the bathroom frantically trying to find something sharp. I couldn't find anything. I was becoming hopeless. All I saw were a couple of bobby pins. I got up and grabbed the bobby pin. I knew it wasn't going to be something really bad but I still did it. It's the only way. It's the only way.

I took the little plastic bud off from one end of the bobby. I slowly dug it into my wrist. I dragged it along, marking my skin with red lines and pinkess around it. I wouldn't bleed but I was going to get mini scars on my skin. I didn't care.

I started to cry again and thought Am I really doing this again? I've stayed strong for so long..

I repeated my movements with bobby pin over and over along my arm. I didn't really know how long I was in the bathroom until I heard something come from the over side of the door.


“Kate you in there? Are you okay?” A low, sleepy voice said.

Harry. No. No. No. Not now.

I stayed quiet and tried to hold in my sobs.

“Kate? Love?” He knocked harder. "Open up. Please."

I wiped my tears and checked that the bobby pin didn’t do much to show. Oh well. It's something. But as I scanned my arm, Harry barged in.

“I doubt you're actually using the restroom. It's been almost an hour.”

I was in shock and looked at him. I didn't care about how I looked. I just needed someone to hold me.

“Love what's wrong?!” he said while kneeling down closer to me. “Why are you crying!?”

I thought the bobby pin didn't do much but I was wrong. One of the scars started to bleed. I panicked and moved my hand to try not to make it obvious.

“Kate whats wrong?! Why are you in the bathroom crying?! Talk to me love.”

“Its nothing Harry,” I whispered.

“Kate?” he said with concern.

“I’m fine.”

“Kate?! What is wrong goddamit!” He yelled out.

Harry’s POV

I notice how sad she looked and I wanted to know why? Were they harassing her on Twitter again? Oh gosh I hope not.

“Kate whats wrong? Why are you in the bathroom crying?”

“Its nothing Harry.” She said softly.

“Kate?” I wanted answers.

“I’m fine.”

“Kate?! What is wrong goddamit!” I yelled.

I got so frustrated that she wouldn't tell me but thats when I saw the drop of blood fall from her wrist. She was bleeding. Why? Please dont tell me she?! Why would she? No! This can't be!

“Kate!” I grabbed her arm.

“What?” I could tell she was fighting back the tears.

“Your arm!” I tried hard not to cry. This can't be happening to my princess.

“Its nothing.” She looked away as I saw a tear stream down her face.

“What do you mean its nothing!?” The warm tears fell from eyes like rivers.

All there was silence. It was all too much. I just wanted to know why. Who knew that the strong, beautiful girl I saw that night sitting in the first row could be going through so much?

“Kate. Why? Since when?” I shut my eyes tightly and placed my hand on my chins.

I got no answer from her. She looked so broken, so small. She was just curled up into a ball, her eyes were all puffy. I knew mine were too.

"Kate. What happen?" I asked one more time.

"M-y phone." She said in between sniffs. She points towards her phone steadily.

"What about your phone? Tweets?" I said nervously.

She shook her head slowly. She looked zoned out and her mouth was opened a bit as if she were trying to say something.

"They got my number, Harry."

"Who? Who did Kate?!" I looked at her, becoming anxious with her.


"That's it. I'll be right back." I stood up and hurried over to her phone. I unlocked it and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How dare they?! They don't know her! I was furious!

I walked back to Kate. "Why didn't you tell me this was going on? Kate you can trust me with anything."

"I just got the messages.. how was I supposed to know. I just don't understand! Why does this happen to me?! Everyone hates me! Don't tell Liam, please." She bursted out crying. I just held her in my arms and let her cry.

"Just let it out beautiful. I know you don't deserve this, at all. They're stupid. I don't hate you, I..." Oh man what was I thinking?! What if she thinks its too early?

"You what?" She finally looked at me in the eyes, curiously.

"I love you."

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