Happy Helper

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( A/N Chapter 15 already wow *-* Hope you guys like it! Keep reading and checking on when I update (: Comment, vote, and yeah just do your thing c: Thanks! )

"Haha sure. Can you handle holding a straightener?"

"Oh cmon now. I've had to straighten Gemma's hair before. I can do it! I won't let you down. Pleeeeeaaaaaaasssssse?"

"Alright, alright. You can do my hair while I put on a bit of makeup."

"Yaaaay!!!!!" Harry cheered and did a little happy dance.

"Hahah Ohh that was adorable!" I said as I plugged in the straightener and turned it on to let it warm up so Harry could get started.

"Yes I do have happy dances." He said a bit embarrassingly.

"I think the straightener is hot enough. You can get started!" I sat down on the stool Harry got from who knows where.

"Alright, let's see how this goes." He picked up the hair tool and grabbed perfect sized amounts of hair. He put each amount of hair between the heated plates and slowly brought it down making the hair straight. No one has ever done this to me.

Once he was done with 3/4 of my hair, I started to apply the makeup. I put on some foundation just on the areas I felt I needed some. I put on a bit of mascara and decided to skip on the eyeliner and blush. I lightly added some color to my lips. I didn't like it so I just added another layer of red lipstick.

"And I'm...done!" Harry said. He set the straightener down. "What do you think?"

I stood up and turned to face the mirror. Harry had made sure I wasn't looking at the mirror while he did my hair.

I ran my fingers through my light brown hair. It was smooth and tangle free. He actually did a good job. Its pin point straight and fell mid way down my back. "Wow. Nicely done, Styles."

"I told you I wouldn't mess up." He smiled and towered over me.

"Ahaha thanks Harry." I gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading off into the living room. I looked out the window, lets golden rays of light land on me. It wasn't too bright so I was able to look out without having to squint. The view was so pretty. You could see all the hills, the skyscrapers, the busy freeway with people on their morning commute, and people going in and out of stores.

"Wow. You're look like a goddess like that." Harry said and interrupted my thought. I spun around to find a still shirtless Harry leaning against the door way. I smiled at me and I felt myself blush. He knew what to say and at the perfect time.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was almost 12. "Thanks. Harry put a shirt on, Liam's gonna be here any minute now."

I heard him chuckle and then a knock on the door. Harry ran into the room and threw on a shirt. I walked to the door and opened it.

“Good you’re ready.” Liam with a big smile on his face. "Let's go."

"Oh hold up. I need to get my phone and tell Harry I'm leaving." I spun around and was surprised to see Harry with my phone in his hand.

"Here. You have quite a bit of notifications."

"I'll check'em later. Thank you.  I'll see you later!" I said and gave Harry a quick peck on his lips before walking out.

"Bye love! Bye Liam!" Harry yelled out.

"Bye mate." Liam turned around and waved goodbye.

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