Coffee Date

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Katelyn POV

I woke up the next morning at 8:00 to get ready. I showered & changed into a blue jumpsuit that goes a bit above the knee, black blazer, and peachy, orange heels. I blow dried my hair and put it in a messing cute bun by the time I finished fixing your hair it was 8:45. (outfit on the side)

I opened your moms room and saw her sleeping. I walked over to her bed and knelt done to give her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Goodmorning Mom" I said and quietly walked out.

I made your way to the kitchen and ate a quick bagel.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I decided not to wear mascara and just a little bit of lip gloss. I put some of my Sweet on Paris perfume (smells delicious) on and headed towards the door.


Harry had arrived. I opened the door and slowly shut it. Harry was standing outside his black Jeep which was luxurious.

'Must've costed him a lot!' I thought.

My eyes met his and we both smiled. He was wearing his signature beanie, a white muscle shirt, and some black skinny jeans. His curls were pulled back by the beanie and I just loved that look!

"You can't get enough of this huh beautiful?" Harry said while signaling his entire body and outfit.

"Haha I'm sorry I what you're wearing!"

"Aha I chose it just for this. Now let's get on the move on before the papz get us and start rumors."

"Haha alright then Styles"

Harry opens the car door for me and I climb in the car. He closes the door, walks around and gets in. He starts the car and rolls out of the driveway.

"So where are we off to Styles?"

"I don't know. Starbucks?"

"Alright then"

"I warn you there will be fans so watch out."

"I'll try." I said while looking at him.

The rest of the car trip was full of singing, being weird, and just being myself. I felt comfortable around Harry.

Once we made it to Starbucks, we walked in hand in hand. Nobody had noticed yet that I was with  the Harry Styles. He had worn dark sunglasses to somewhat cover his face up.

"Katelyn what would you like?" Harry asked

"Umm a medium mocha cappuccino." I said shyly.

"I'll get the same if you don't mind," he laughed.

"Haha no, not at all" I said. omg we like the same drink! don't fangirl Kate! Don't fangirl!

Harry walked up to the cashier and started ordering our drinks.I took out my phone and started checking my Instagram. I scrolled through the Newsfeed and saw 2 familiar faces. It was a picture of Giselle and Zayn. Zayn had his arm around her waist. They looked so happy together even though they had just met.

'Aww they're so cute! I hope they la-' my thoughts were interrupted by screams and squealing from 12-13 year old girls.

"Oh no.." Harry rushed over to me with our drinks in his hands and set them on a table.

"OMG! It's Harry!"

"Yes that's him! Omg!"

"He's all mine!" 

"Ew who is he with?!"

Wow. That last one really hit me. Damn who knew other "fans" we're so hateful?!

"Don't listen to them love. They're just jealous about the fact that you're with me and they're not. You're beautiful so don't let any negative comments get to you. They're just haters. They can hate on me, but I will not allow them to hate on you, Kate."

He grabbed my hand and held it tight, pulling me close to him as the girls got closer to Harry. All this just felt right.

"OMG! Can we have an autograph?! We love you!" 


Man they do get annoying. Harry let go of my hand not because he wanted to but to sign autographs and take pictures. Once he was all done, one of the girls look to me I was already mentally prepering myself for some harsh word but they werent. "Wow! You're really pretty!" she said I was pretty! That made me feel good inside!

That made me smile and made you think that not all fans are mean and hateful. Others were actually really nice.

Harry grabbed my hand and led us toward the table. 

"Wow that was a bit hectic, but I've been through worse."

"Haha wow really?! I guess I better get used to this then"

"Yeh you should." he took a sip of his coffee.

"So....I don't mean to seem like a perv or anything else but...I really like what you're wearing."

"Aww, thanks Harry"

"You're welcome love. So are you fan? Fangirl? Or die hard Directioner?"

"Umm I don't know I'm a bit of all of that haha. I just... I don't know why but I didn't fangirl when I saw you. Instead I...I got those butterflies in my stomach and I was really happy just like when we kissed." I said while looking into his green eyes. I felt butterflies.

"aha I see. Well that's perfect, just like you"

"Awww!" I started to blushing like crazy by then but who could blame me he's Harry Styles any little compliment will make any girl blush.

Harry just smiled with his dimples showing and thats when I knew he was really happy.

We finished our coffees and walked back to the car. 

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