Lunch and What?!

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Harry POV

Giselle walked out of the house then Katelyn. Wow! She looked gorgeous! Yeah I saw her earlier but still, wow! My eyes met hers and I smiled. She smiled back and I got all those butterflies in my stomach. I walked over to her and met her halfway. I hugged her, picked her up, and spun her around. She was light as a feather. I put her down and said "Hey Beautiful!"

"Hii Harry" she said and giggled. "Harry don't do that. I could've broken your back."

"Nah, you wouldn't have. You're really light." I said and smiled "Hey Guys let's get move on. Niall and the lads are waiting for us at the hotel. Niall wants Nandos."

"Harry there is no Nandos in the US, remember?" Zayn said.

"Oh yeah. Let me call Louis." I said and grabbed my phone and dialed Louis's Number.

"Hey Kate, is there anything similar to Nandos?" Zayn asked Katelyn.

"Umm.. KFC might be similar but I don't know." Katelyn responded.

"Alright then KFC it is...where is it? Zayn said.

"About 2 Streets down from here." Kate said.

"Hey Hazza, what's up?" Louis said at the other end of the line.

"Oh um we're going to KFC that's 2 streets down from One Direction St."

"Oh Alright then. See you guys there!" Louis said before he hung up.

"Alright, let's go." I said. I opened the door for Katelyn. We all hopped in the car and we were off.

Once we got to KFC, the boys were already there. The Girls went to say hi anf then walked back to us.

"You guys get the Family Pack Deal since there's 6 and I'll get my own order." Niall said. Man, he did have an appetite!

Once we all ordered and got our drinks, we found a place to sit. We have to join two tables together since there were 7 of us. I sat next to Katelyn. Giselle sat next to her. Zayn sat in front of Giselle. Louis sat in front of me but I didn't mind since he was my best pal. Liam and Niall sat at the ends of the tables.

When our orders were ready, we all dug in. Niall's own, separate order was as large as the order we got for the 6 of us! Katelyn was comfortable eating in front of me and that's a good thing.

When we finished eating, Katelyn and Giselle went to the restroom to freshen up a bit. I took this time to talk to the boys.

"So Hazza. You really like Katelyn huh? I don't know if its too early to ask this but what do you think is going to happen in the long term?" Liam asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea! I really do like Katelyn. Let's just see what happens you know." I said.

"What about the fans?" Louis asked.

"I know the fans will send hate. When.the do, they better send it to me and not to her" I said confidently. I didn't want Katelyn to get brought down by hate sent by some disrespectful fans.

"What about management?" Niall asked.

"I'll tell them sooner or later. Paul already knows anyways." I said.

"Everything Harry said is pretty much same for me and Giselle." Zayn said.

"Harry she's 15 and you're 19." Liam said.

"I know. For me age doesn't matter." I said.

Katelyn and Giselle got back to the table and sat down.

" 'ello again, gorgeous!" I said and smiled.

"Hey Harry!" Katelyn said back and smiled at the ground. "Oh! I just remembered about the photo. It's in here somewhere." She said and looked through her bag. She took out a half ripped photo. She handed it to me.

I first noticed Little Katelyn. Aww she was so cute as a child! The fans would somehow get hold of this photo and caption it: "Fetus Katelyn and her Dad" Her dad looked familiar. I stared long and hard at him. I just couldn't think of who it was at the top of my head so I asked Louis.

"Hey Louis, does this man look familiar to you? He does to me." I said.

"Hmm...oh yeah! Psh! Dude, thats Liam's Dad!" Louis said so loud that everyone heard.

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