Expect the Unexpected

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I was walking home from school while listening to "She's Not Afraid" I loved One Direction so much! I always had a soft spot for Harry but I always loved all the boys. I always imagined what it'd be like of Harry came into your life. Would it be a good thing? Would it be bad? Who knows..

I got home happily since it was a Friday. I fumbled with the keys in my pocket trying to pull out the key to the home.


That signaled I got a message.

From Momma c: : Hey honey I have a surprise for you... Look on the kitchen table. You'll find them! Love You and you're welcome xx (:

 I wondered what it was. Anxiously I put the key in the door knob and turned it to open it. I closed it and dropped my bag on the floor. I practically ran to the kitchen. I wanted to know what the suprise was!

There they were. There were 2 Take Me Home Front row Tickets.

I started screaming in happiness. I fangirled so much the neighbors might have heard! I was so excited! The concert was this Saturday. Tomorrow. I jumped around the house in joy!

I got your phone out I had to text my mom! This is amazing!


Then I had to text my partner in crime, Giselle

To Giselle : Heeeey Heeeey! Guess what?!?!?!?!??? Omg omg ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Es muy importante !

I love being Mexican American but I sometimes wished I were British (well I kinda am) or Irish like the boys. With those pretty eyes instead of my dull brown eyes that almost everyone has. I always thought there was nothing special with my eyes. But I just loved the fact that Liam's eyes were so much like mine except... better! 

From Giselle: Omg What Happened?????? oo:


From Giselle: OMFG NO WAY?! Omg i love you so much best friend *-* now the planning! Ugh only a day to pick out what to wear! D:

From Giselle: Bye!! :DD

I sprinted to my room. Of course I had to blast it to One Direction Music. Ironically 'Live While We're Young' played first.

I started looking through all my clothes. After 30 minutes of trying on clothes, switching clothes I  finally found it, my outfit. I was gonna wear a Pink Floyd , jeans, and my black toms. I was going to wear all my 1D bracelets and my Forever Directioner Necklace. I was going to take my small coach handbag to put all my things in. Giselle texted me about her outfit. She was going to wear black skinny jeans, and a muscle tee with the 1D Logo on it. She was also going to bring a ring pop to give to zayn and a sign that said "fuck me Zayn!" knowing the fact that she was a die hard Zayn Girl. (Outfits on the side)

Now for the hair. I decided upon curling it and leaving my bangs to the front since I have front bangs. I loved how my brown hair fell down all the way to the middle of your back. It wasn't the best treated hair but it was still pretty nice. Giselle was going with a fishtail braid.

By the time I were all done with planning everything out it was 6 PM.

'Dam.' I thought. I had spent 3 hours on that and I didn't realize how hungry.Well know I did and I'm staving!

I made your way to the kitchen and made myself some tacos. Tacos reminded me of my 'boyfriend' Harry since they are his favorite food. Think of Harry made me started getting the feeling of excitement again! Man I most have been hungry because I make and eat those tacos in less that  20 minutes. By the time I finished cleaning it was 7.

The door opened. it was my mom. Of course I ran to her.

''Hey Hon- uff!" she said. I hugged like I haven't seen her in forever.

"Omg omg Thank you a lot! Thank you! Thank you! I love you mom!''

"ahah I see you've found the surprise."

'' I sure did! I'm so happy!"

"Haha I'm glad" she smiled "Now let go of me. I need a go shower and then take a nap. I'm exhausted!"

"Haha alright."I said as I let go.

I walked back to my room. My mom was a single mother and ive never actually knew who my father was. My mom told me my father was British and he had left her when I was one. I only had a ripped photo of me and my father. I always wondered where he was and where the other half of the photo was. I was too lazy to search for it anyways and I didn't care much, I had my mom and that's all I need. But all I cared about was the concert. I was going to have the best time of my life. Once my mom got out of the shower at 7:45 I decided to take a shower. Once I was all done it was 8:20. I spent an hour and 40 minutes just going on Facebook, twitter, and instagram. It was now 10 and I was just about to go to sleep when you heard my door open.

"Goodnight Honey. You have a big day tomorrow" my mom says

"Goodnight mom" I said smiling

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