Harry + Kate

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(A/N Ahh! Thanks for all the reads :D It makes my day knowing you guys read my story. Here's the next chapter! ^-^ Hope you enjoy it! Comment, vote, & share this stories with your friends! It'd mean the world to me! Thanks again! (': )

Katelyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of voices. I felt Harry's arm still around my waist.

"I think Harry finally found his girl." A low,shy voice said. Thats Zayn.

"Aww they're so cute!" A familiar Irish accent said. Niall obviously.

I shifted a bit.

"Shhh! Shes starting to move! I think she's waking up!" A deep, Simon Cowell like voice said. Liam.

"I'm just going to-" Snap! The sound of camera went off.   "And onto twitter this goes!" I could recognize that voice from anywhere. Louis!

Harry shifted a bit too. His arm hugged me tighter. It felt so right to be like this. When his arm left my waist, I mentally whimpered at the loss of contact between Harry and I.

I felt him sit up. "Morning lads. Isn't she a beauty?"

I smiled.

"Hey you're awake!" Harry said moving me around a bit.

Oops. I guess he noticed. I fluttered my brown eyes open to make eye contact with a pair of green eyes. "Hahaha I didn't think you'd notice." I looked over the guys. "Hey guys. Thanks for waking me up. Really appreciate it."

"You're welcome!" Louis shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Okay guys let's leave them alone. I'll see you at noon Kate." Liam said while giving me a smile. I smiled back.

"Alright bye you two!" Zayn said before following Liam out the door.

"Byyyeee!" Louis yelled. He kept yelling until we couldn't hear him anymore.

"Adios amigos!" Niall said. That's nice, an Irish man, speaking in Spanish.

"Bye!" Both Harry and I said in unison.

We heard the door shut and Harry threw himself back onto the bed. I turned to face him.

"Goodmorning gorgeous" Harry said and afterwards planted a kiss on my lips.

"Goodmorning." I said with a smile on my face.

Harry pulled me close to him. So close there was no room between us.

But then I realised I had to met up with Liam at 12.

"Holy shit what time is it?!" I shot up the bed.

"It's... 9:42? What's the rush?" Harry said questionably

“Ohmygod. I should start getting ready. Liam wants to spend some time brother sister time starting at noon. I'm sorry for not telling you ahead of time."

"Ohh...It's okay. You and Liam need some time to catch up. Just stay in bed for a bit yeah?" Harry said with glowing eyes.

"Haha sure." I smiled and laid back down.

"Cuddle with me, pleeaassee? You're going to be gone for most of the day. I'll see you at the concert right?"

"And soundcheck!" I said and I scooched over closer to him.

He put his arm around me and started to stroke my hair. "You're so beautiful."

"I don't think so..." I looked away. I've never thought I was beautiful. I never thought I was pretty. I wasnt used to it.

"Hey. No look at me." Harry said. He cupped my chin with his hand and turned me to face him. "You're beautiful." His lips met mine and we shared a slow kiss. "Got it?" He said after pulling away, his hand still on my cheek. His touch gave me chills that went down my spine.

I nodded and gave him a warm smile. He copied my action and pulled me into a hug. I placed my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating. It was soothing.




"Is it weird that I like the sound of your heart beat?" I looked up at Harry and placed a hand over his chest, where I could feel his heart beating and a slow, calm pace.

"Well it only beats for you." Harry said with a smile that made his dimples show.

"Awww." I blushed. That's probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me and coming from Harry just made it even more special. "Harry what time is it?"

"About to be 10"

"Oh man, I'm going to go shower. I gotta get ready!" I said sitting up, throwing my feet over the bed. They hit the cold, tiled floor. I stood up but Harry caught my wrist, turned me around, and sat me back down.

"Wait! Give me a kiss before you..yeah become busy." Harry gave me his puppy face. Gosh it was adorable! I could never say no to him.

I giggled and leaned in. "Of course." I said when my lips touched his softly. I kissed him slowly and passionately. He put his hand on my back and deepened the kiss. I pulled away after about 2 minutes of kissing. It was breathtaking.

"Okay I really gotta get ready, Haz." I laughed a bit. I sat up again and stood up.

"Ahh alright, alright. I'll let you go get ready." Harry sat up resting his head against the headboard. He put his hands behind his bed to support himself.

I just grinned and walked over to my bags and took out what I needed. I entered the bathroom and made sure the door was locked before I undressed. I turned on the water and made sure it was warm but not too warm before I stepped in. I let the water fall on me before taking my shower. I took my shower and stepped out. I grabbed a towel. As I did I wasn't surprised to see there was some vapor in the air and on the surface of the mirror. I changed into some blue shorts, and a black tank with Rolling Stones logo on it. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.(outfit on the side)

"This will do." I quietly said to myself. I decided to do something I've always done before I did my hair. I moved my finger along the fogged up window. I wrote letters in cursive and outlined curves. I stepped back and was impressed with my quick work.

It read:

"Harry + Kate"

There was a heart around it. So neat. No mistakes. I didn't mess up.

I open the door to make sure i heard Liam when he came in.

“ You look beautiful.” he said as he can and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Definitely not." I said in somewhat disbelief. "My outfit is so simple."

"But you're pretty face tops it off. Here look in the mirror, I see pure beauty.” He said with a smile. Dimples showing and everything. It made my heart melt.

He lifted my head up to look in the mirror.

“Hey I like what you’ve done with the mirror. Maybe I'll Instagram it..I'm kidding. I don't want the fans knowing too much about us. Louis sparked it this morning. But that doesn't matter right now. I'm happy and that's all that matters." He hugged me tighter. He was so strong. I know I could never get out of his hold, but hey who said I ever wanted to?

I turned to face him. Our lips met and oh how I missed the taste of his lips in such a short time. We parted and looked into each others eyes. Green orbs looking into my brown ones. Something about that moment felt so right. I was so caught up I forgot about the time until I came back to reality. I broke free from his grip. "I'm sorry Harry but I really got to get ready."

"Caaaaannnn I heeeelllpppp?"  Harry said with a cheeky grin. He looked like a five year old anxious to get one of the large colorful lollipops from a place like Disneyland.

( A/N  Best Song Ever is perfect !! *-* )

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