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A/N: Thank you guys so much for supporting my amazing Nancy even though shes away right now. But she said all her love. Shes coming back Sunday!!! YAY! I know I said I would post every Fiday so I kept my promise. She didn't have a chapter for this week so I had to write it. Don't blame her if its crap. Keep voting, commenting, and follow us. Do you just want an actual IG and Twitter for Kate? What do you guys want? Lets dish it out in the comments down below. ^-^ 

-K xx

Liam POV

*A delicious meal later* 

Man Kates so amazing, so glad I have her as a sister.

“Hey we should get going, mom goes to work soon.”

“Im yeah sure.” 

I waved for the waiter to come over

“Hi can i have the check please?”

“Of course.” she said well winking at me.

Once we waited and paid for are meals we were on our way to our mom’s house.

“I can’t believe this is our last day in our North American Tour.”

“I can’t either! you guys did so good.”

“And tomorrow we have Teen Choice Awards!”

“Oh that’s probably gonna be awesome for you guys. I voted every day for you guys to win. And i'm sure you guys are”

“Too bad we aren’t gonna stay the whole award show.”

“What? no way! you guys can’t do that! what are all the fans gonna say”

“They’ll be fine ⅖ are gonna stay”

“So wait we’re leaving tomorrow night?”

“Yeah. I don’t know if you want to sit while we perform or do you want to stay backstage?”

“Wait i'm going?!?”

“Of course silly!”

Kate’s POV 

Im going to the teen choice awards?... wow! 

“What if Management doesn’t want people to know?” I was actually quite worried

“I don’t care what management thinks you’re my little sister”

Just then my phone started to vibrate like I had a message but then it wouldn’t stop.

I looked at my phone and realised it was Twitter.


What? both? But I couldn’t stop reading could I...

Nope. I wanted to know what everyone was talking about.

I guess I got to quiet in the car because Liam asked me if I was okay.

“Yeah. I just got a text from my friend.” I lied. 

“Oh okay. Do you think mom will let you go?”

I heard what Liam said but blindly ignored him. 


Liam and Harry? What is everyone talking about? 

But just then my prayers were answered. Giselle called me


“Hey? what’s all this about?”

“TMZ got pictures with both boys.”


“Well they’re saying that you’re dating Harry but cheating on him with Liam”

“WHAT!?” I said maybe a little too loud.

“Kate everything okay?” Liam asked with worry in his voice.

“Okay well I’ll you back right now” I said to giselle and hung up.

“Kate whats wrong?” Liam asked again

Then I realise we we’re almost at my house.

“They got pictures of us. And of me and Harry.”


“Well theyre saying that im dating Harry but I cheating on him with you?”

“What?!?” he said well pushing the break. You can tell he was quite shocked.

“Kate. They’re just trying to start stuff.”

“And what about Harry?! Im 15! He’s 19! Its illegal”

“Kate. Relax. Everything will be fine. Harry really likes you.”

Just then we got to my house. I ran out of the car and into the house not caring to wait for Liam.

I got to my room and started to cry. All this was just so overwhelming. I was just living a dream these past days but come on it's time to hit reality.

I turn on the TV only to see what I didn’t want to. They were talking about the whole situation.

“Well turns out she might have only used Harry, on her Twitter it says that her name is Kate Payne.

I doubt thats her actual last name.

Not only that but she was only seen coming in and out of the hotel with Liam. 

Some also say shes with Liam right now.

Well Louis tweeted a picture of Harry and Kate in bed sleeping together.

Once the fans saw this they went crazy.”

I couldn’t take watching this anymore. I turned the TV off. But then I heard a knock on my door. 

I didnt want to talk to anyone so I just turned my music and blasted it, hoping the person outside my room would get the hint.

My phone wouldn’t stop vibrating. I would look at my notifications but all I would see is words like ‘SLUT, WHORE, DIE,HATE YOU’ 

You don’t even know me... 

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