"You filthy human, what the hell are you doing here!"

The man was struggling to be released and closed his eyes when he saw mine glowing red.

"I-i'm not human! Well kinda..."

"You're making no sense, you bastard,"

Suddenly a kagune came out from back and almost hit me. I let go to see one of his eyes was ghoul-like.

"What the hell are you...",


"Oh crap,"

"Who's the lady screaming?"

"SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I pushed the man out of the way and opened the door to see Elizabetha waiting in the hallway and Feliciano and Roderich following her. She was mad.

"Will you explain why Feliciano was sleeping in the café and I find you here in 3 am?..."

"Ehehe... Ciao Elizabetha?"

"Don't 'Ciao' me, Lovino! You got some explaining to do!"

"I-i was here the whole time! I came before midnight and saw Feliciano sleeping and didn't want to disturb him!"

"I was awake until 12:49 though..."

"Feli, shush,"

I looked back at the room where I came from and saw the man peeking and looking at us.

"Anyways... I heard a noise and knew we had no guests and I saw an intruder and he attacked me! That's why I was here!"

"That's not true, you asshole! You came through the window into my room and attacked me!" The man finally had to open his dumb mouth and slowly came out of the room. He still had his ghoul eye glowing.

"Don't listen to that bastard! He's the intruder!"

"Fratello, no! I already explained to Elizabetha and Roderich and wanted to tell you when you came back! He is not an intruder; he's my friend, Gilbert! I found him in the street!"

"You can't just pick up random people from the street!"

"But he is a ghoul in need of help, Lovi!"

"He smells like a filthy human though,"

"Hey, I'm still here!"

"Settle down. You all are giving me a headache. Let's go downstairs and talk this out," Roderich demanded.

We all followed him to the main counter. He closed the curtains of the windows and made sure the door was locked before he started to serve us coffee.

"Lovino, we already had this talk before. You are going the spend the rest of the weekend in the café only,"

"What the- that's unfair! I'm a grown man!"

"You live under our roof to protect you, Lovino. You have to obey the rules of Armonia if you stay here. This is a safe place for ghouls and we don't need to ruin it,"

"So if I had my own place, I could do whatever the hell I want?"

"Technically, yes,"

"Then maybe I should get outta here,"

"But fratello, that's risky!"

"I don't care. I shouldn't be bossed around like a child,"

"Then you shouldn't act like one,"

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