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Chorong's POV

I looked up immediately to see my mom and stepdad standing while holding the mic.

"I'm so proud of you, Park Chorong and Yang Yoseob! We love you both from the bottom of our heart! Thanks for being our children, you guys are honestly the best present a God could give" my mom said.

"Just as your mom said" my stepdad said earning laughter from the students.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as Taehyung hold onto my hand.

"You don't want to ruin your makeup" He smiled and I nodded as I wiped my tears.

I looked at Yoseob to see him smiling trying his best to hold in his tears. They walked off and the students clapped. The principle walked up again and he started calling up students name. The students go up to him and get their certificate and shook hands with the principle and go back to their seat. He soon called my name and I went up and got my certificate and shook hands with the principle. I sat back down and Taehyung was next. Soon, my friends all went up and the graduation ended. I immediately ran to my mom. I spotted her with my stepdad and I immediately ran to embrace her, "Hey sweetie" she smiled.

"You said you can't come! How did you know it was our graduation?" I asked.

"I wanted to surprise you! What kind of parents doesn't know their kids graduating date? I'm not that ignorant" she smiled as she wiped my tears that were now rolling down my checks once more with her thumbs.

"Dad" I heard Yoseob say as he immediately hug my stepdad.

His tears that he held in for the entire time were now rolling down his cheeks. I've never seen him cry like that. I calmed down as Taehyung came up, "Hello Mr and Mrs Kim, long time no see" He smiled.

"Long time no see son" my dad smiled.

Soon, others came up and I introduced them to my parent.

"This is BTS, the group Taehyung is in. You've already seen then" I said.

"Nice to meet you guys again" They bowed.

"This is BtoB, the group I was in when I dressed up as a guy" I said and they bowed.

"This is APink, the group I'm currently in! I'm the leader and the oldest" I said proudly.

"Aneonghaseyo" the bowed.

"This is Beast, Yoseob's group" I said.

"I'm the main vocal" Yoseob said proudly.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Yang" They bowed.

"And this is our parents" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you all! You guys are very handsome and pretty" My mom said.

"Nice to meet you guys" my stepdad said.

"Let's take pictures!" I yelled happily.

First, Yoseob and I took pictures with our parents. BtoB took their group picture, Beast took theirs, BTS took theirs, and finally, APink took our picture. Taehyung and I took pictures together and other couples took pictures together. Finally, we all took a group photo. It was so much fun! We went home and ate dinner all together. Yep! It was a lot of work! Having 28 people for dinner wasn't easy but my mom made enough food for all of us. We ate happily and they soon left our house.

-week later-

Today was a big day. It was the day we, APink, audition for PlanA ent. BtoB already auditioned and they were waiting for their result. Beast already became a trainee and they are now living in a dorm that Cub Ent. provided. For BTS, they are getting auditioned at the end of this month. I met APink in front of the entertainment and we all went in.

We went to the front desk, "hello how may I help you?" The front lady asked.

"We're here to audition" I said.

"Come this way" the lady said and she led us to a room full of people who are auditioning today.

We put on our number tag that said 59 and started practicing our songs in a practice room provided for the people who are auditioning. We decided to sing Lion Heart by SNSD senior.

We kept practicing over and over when a lady with a clip board shouted out, "number 59! Number 59! Please come in".

We quickly grabbed our stuff and left the practice room and entered the auditioning room. We put our stuff to the corner and went to the center of the judges.

"Aneonghaseyo, we are APink" we shouted energetically.

"Wow, you guys are from Seoul Music high school, good luck" one of the guy judge said.

"You guys may start" one of the lady judge said.

We nodded and I turned the music, Lion Heart on and we started singing while dancing. We ended the song and tried to catch our breath silently.

"Good job, you guys will get an acceptance letter in few days if you pass" the last guy judge said.

"Gamsahapnida! (Thank you)" We yelled and left the room.

We saw Beast waiting for us outside the entertainment and we ran up to them, "How was it?" Doojoon oppa asked.

"I think we were okay" I said.

Junhyung oppa and Naeun was already hugging each other.

"You feel better?" Yoseob oppa asked and I nodded.

"Not you Chorong! Babe, you feeling better" Yoseob asked Eunji and she nodded hugging Yoseob.

"Aish Yoseob! You care more about your girlfriend than your sister!" I yelled and he jumped in surprise.

"Well, you care more about Taehyung than you care about me!" Yoseob yelled back.

"I agree" a voice was heard and I turned around to see Taehyung, Jimin and Hopie behind him.

"Baby!" Jimin yelled as he ran to Hayoung.

"Jagiya" Hopie did an aeygo to Bomi and she returned it by hugging him.

"Can I get that?" Taehyung asked me pointing at Jimin and Hayoung who are making out.

"No! Not right now! Hayoung not get off" I yelled and they immediately parted from each other.

"Well, why don't we go and eat? My treat" Hyunseung oppa said and we all nodded.

"Where's others like BtoB and the rest of BTS?" I asked.

"Oh, they had other things to do but we would make time for our girlfriends" Taehyung winked and Jimin and Hopie nodded agreeing and Bomi, Hayoung, and I blushed.

"Let's go!" Kikwang oppa yelled and we all went to a restaurant.

'How can I live without them?' I thought smiling to myself.


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