Ditching School

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Hyunseung's POV

'What have I done? I really screwed it up for her. I knew, more than anyone else, how desperate she was. How much she wanted to graduate from this school... what have I done?' I thought.

Chorong's POV

I walked out of the principle's office to see BTS, BtoB, and Beast waiting outside for me. Once they saw me, they came running to me.

"What did he say" Yoseob asked nervously.

I shook my head and forced a smile as tears were rolling down.

He immediately hugged me, "it's ok, it's ok" He comforted me.

I hugged back as I exploded. I cried out loud like a baby while he kept saying, let it all out and I'm here for you. I always felt safe in his embrace since he was like my parent since they were gone almost always. I calmed down and broke the hug. I saw Hyunseung oppa behind everyone looking sad. I looked closely and saw him crying. He was crying?!

I went up to him, "are you ok?" I asked.

He looked up and immediately hugged me, "I'm sorry Chorong! I was out of my mind! Jealousy and anger was all over me and controlled me! I'm so sorry... I don't ask you to forgive me... I just want you to know that I'm very sorry" he cried.

"It's okay... I forgive you.. it was also my fault for not accepting your love" I said.

"Thank you... But I don't deserve your forgiveness" He said and broke the hug and left the school.

He never came back that day... I left the school after saying goodbyes with everyone. I was walking home alone when I felt someone's arm snake around my waist. I yelped in surprise and turned around to see Taehyung.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.

"To hang out with my girlfriend" He said confidently.

"But you should be in school right now!" I yelled.

"Just one day" He whined and continued, "I know you need someone to cheer you up and I'm willing to skip school for my lovely girlfriend" He said.

"Fine just for today" I smiled.

We were walking hand in hand.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Umm... let's go to the arcade!" I said excitedly.

"Ok!" He said happily.

"Can we stopped by my house first so I could change into something comfortable?" I asked and he nodded.

We walked to my house and went upstairs. He sat on my bed as I grabbed my clothes and went to the restroom. I came out in a black crop top with a skirt. I left the restroom and went to the closet and put my uniform in there.

"Let's go!" I said excitedly.

He nodded and grabbed his backpack.

"Leave your backpack here, we could come back. It'll be heavy" I said and nodded.

"Do you have any Yoseob hyung's clothes I could change into?" He asked and I nodded.

I went to Yoseob's room and took a shirt with shorts. I closed the door and went to my room. I gave him the clothes and he thanked me. I thought he was going to the restroom to change but I was wrong. He just took his shirt off revealing his hard abs.

"Yah! Taehyung!" I yelled as I covered my innocent eyes.

"Why? Enjoying the view you're seeing" He smirked.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and started slapping his bare back.

He yelped in pain, "I'm sorry Chorong!" He yelled.

After about 10 slaps, I laughed at his now red back.

"Chorong! It's red now" He pouted.

"That's what you get for making my eyes dirty" I laughed.

"But I know you liked it" he smirked again.

"You want more?" I said as I raised my hand ready to hit him.

"Sorry!" He yelled as he closed his eyes shut.

I lowered my hand and he quickly put on Yoseob's shirt.

"You want to see my underwear?" He asked.

I looked at him confused and he just told me to get out. I walked out of my room blushing since I was really embarrassed. He came out after a minute or two and we left the house.

"I left my clothes on top of your bed" He said and you nodded smiling.

"Let's go!" I yelled and we went to the arcade.

We arrived and bought 2 tickets and went inside.

"What do you want to do first?" He asked.

"Um... why don't we play that" I said as I pointed to the gun shooting game.

"Ok!" He said and we went there.

We gave the worker 2 dollars and he gave us our gun.

"What if I win?" He asked.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do" I said.

"How about you" I said.

"Same with yours" he said and I nodded.

I know what I want!

"Ready... go!" He yelled and we shoot the gun to the animal creatures to knock it down.

The worker was keeping our score. Eventually he won by 1 point. 1 FREAKING POINT! He jumped in happiness as I groaned.

"What do you want" I muttered.

"Um... you'll see but not now" He smiled.

"Ooh! Can we play that one!" He yelled and dragged me.

It was the punching game. The high score was 892 point.

"I'll show you how manly I am" He smirked.

"Whatever you do, you'll always be my baby" I said and pinched his cheeks.

He pouted and put the dollar into the machine and the punching bag rose up.

"Watch me" He said and winked.

I laughed as he said that. He got into the position and punched the bag with all his power. The machine made a weird noise as the score kept going up.

"What?!" He yelled.

I bursted out laughing as I saw his score.

"401" I said in between my laugh.

"Shut up, you can't even even get a higher score than me" he smirked.

"Let's see about that" I said as I inserted a dollar.

"Be careful and don't embarrass yourself" He said and laugh.

"Let's see about that" I said as I got in my position.

The punching bag rose up and I hit it with full power. It made noises as I impatiently wait for my score. My score stopped and my eye widened.


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