Secret Relationship?

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Chorong's POV

"Well" I chuckled nervously.

"But first you have to promise me to not get angry and hit me" I said and she nodded getting impatient.

"Well... I kinda dressed up as a guy and changed my name to go to the school" I said and my mom's eye widened as she raised her hand and I quickly covered myself with both of my arms covering my face.

I felt pains on my back and I winced in pain as she smack my back repetitively.

"Mom you promised not to hit me" I yelled as I kept wincing in pain.

"I don't give a shit if I promised or not! How dare you do that! You're a girl not a boy!" She yelled.

"Oh, so were you involved in this" my mom asked Yoseob.

" You know I tried stopping her but she didn't listen" Yoseob nervously said and I seriously saw fire coming out from her eyes.

"Yoseob run!" I yelled and we ran to my room.

"Yoseob! Chorong! Come downstairs right now!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Nope! Not until you promise me to not hit us" I yelled back.

"Ok I promise so come down" she yelled and I looked at Yoseob.

"Promise?" I yelled.

"Promise" she yelled back.

He nodded and we slowly walked downstairs.

"Sit" she said we did what she told us.

"How did it turn into a girl-boy school?" She asked.

"Well, I was caught and few weeks later, they changed it to girl-boy school in order for me to go to the school." I said.

"How were you caught?" My mom asked.

"Well, someone kinda found out and he threatened me but I kinda didn't listen so he kinda told the school" I said.

"Can you not say kinda in every sentence" she said.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

"So it's alright now?" My stepdad asked and I nodded.

"Ok, you guys could go upstairs since you guys have school tomorrow" He said and we smiled.

'Our savior' I thought and I nodded.

"But honey, I'm not do-" "that's enough sweety" my stepdad cut her off and I gave him the you-are-the-best face and he smiled in response.

"Goodnight mom and dad" I said and went upstairs with Yoseob.

"Goodnight Yoseob" I smiled.

"Goodnight Chorong" He smiled back.

I went to my room and turned the lights off.

I tucked myself under the blanket and slowly drifted to sleep.

Next morning

"Chorong! Yoseob! Wake up and get ready!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Ok!" We yelled in unison.

I went to bathroom and took shower and put on my uniform. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. I placed my bag near the front door and sat down next to Yoseob who was already eating breakfast.

"Morning mom" I smiled.

"I'm still mad at you" she said.

"Umma~ sha sha sha~~" I did an aeygo and she couldn't help but smile.

Why Are You Here? | V/Kim Taehyung Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz