Anger and Understanding

Start from the beginning

Kailani frowned as she looked down at the water surrounding her ankles. The girl had hoped arguing her case would be easy but was quickly realizing it wouldn’t be. “I don’t belong here,” She said and looked back up at the God of the Sea.

“Of course you do,” Poseidon said calmly. “You are my daughter and…”

“Maybe I don’t want to be your daughter!” The blonde girl sneered. “I want to go home.”

“You are home,” Poseidon replied simply.

“Home is with my mother!” Kailani snapped.

“She really should have explained things to you,” Poseidon commented.

“Yeah then I could have made sure I never ended up at that stupid pier!” The teenager huffed agreeing with the god.

Poseidon’s eyes narrowed at the very suggestion. “If your mother had not returned you I would have taken vengeance against her!” He said sternly. “Your mother had no right to you in the first place!”

“She has every right!” Kailani snapped. “She’s my mother and even being here doesn’t and won’t change that!” The teenager yelled at her father.

“Margaret gave up any right to you long before you were born!” Poseidon snapped back. “We made a deal and…”

Kailani didn’t think she reacted and swinging her fist she punched the god in the side of the face. Poseidon not expecting it suddenly fell sideways into the water due to the blow.


Ford stood quietly watching and listening to the demigoddess interact with Poseidon. He wasn’t surprised when Kailani asked to be returned to her mother after only a couple sentences; he’d expected it.

The Guardian had known it wouldn’t be long before she asked the god when he’d gone to get her. It was obvious to him that the younger teen had every intention of having her father release her. Ford had fought the urge to tell her to go change the moment he saw Kailani in her worn cut off jean shorts and green tank top. Kailani was clearly not dressing out of respect to the God of the Sea.

Ford sighed as father and daughter began to raise their voices at one another and a full scale argument ensued. ‘She’s going to be in a very bad mood after this,’ He thought to himself. The blue eyed older teen shook his head as the two began to argue more.

As the arguing increased however he began to feel a slight tremor beneath his feet. ‘Kailani!’ He shouted internally. Protecting her was his job and he’d do it; even from Poseidon’s wrath. Quickly he started towards the two but abruptly stopped seeing the God of the Sea struck by the girl and suddenly fall into the water. Instantly the tremors ceased.

“You had no right to make my mother your whore!” The Guardian heard her screamed at her father.

Ford blinked and looked from his charge to the god now sitting up from the force she’d used against him. ‘Kailani?’ Ford said questioningly as his eyes widened. ‘Did she cause it?’ The idea was absurd. No demigod or demigoddess had ever caused such a thing without months or even years of practice that he knew of. Yet if Poseidon was the one that was in the water and the tremors had stopped it made sense that Kailani might have caused it.

Seeing the god start to get up looking less than pleased and Kailani take on a fighting stance the Ford quickly headed for them.


Poseidon was surprised to feel tremors he hadn’t created. If he had been paying more attention to Kailani he might have noticed the anger in his daughter’s eyes. By the time he realized who was causing the tremors it was too late. Kailani stuck and he was in the water.

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