It Begins

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Chapter 17

(It Begins)

Artemis felt a sense of fluctuation within her powers and knew it was almost time for the war to begin. Quickly she left Olympus and appeared in her son Demitri’s room. Quietly she shook her son awake.

“Hmm? What is…mother?” Demitri said.

“It’s about to happen. Get Kailani and your siblings and leave now. I fear by the first light the attacks will begin.”

Demitri got out of bed not caring that he was only in his underwear. He quickly put on his brown pants, White long sleeved shirt and brown boots and cloak.

“I’ll help you anyway I can Demitri you know that.”

“I know but I also know you won’t be able to help as much as you want.” Demitri took the goddesses hands into hers. “I’ll do everything I can to protect Serenity, Aran, and Kailani.”

“I know you will. Things will not be easy and difficult decisions will be made. Others will try and force your hand and even your allegiance,” Artemis said unable to completely hide the fear she felt for her children.

“I know my allegiance mother. To you, to nature, to…”

“Kailani may have to fight,” The Goddess of the Hunt warned. “I know she doesn’t want to and I’m thankful she doesn’t crave power but in the end it may need to be her. If the chance came I know you would restore the power but I fear it may be the woman you love that everything may ultimately depend on.”

“If she chooses to go after the Skeptrum I’ll help her, but I won’t suggest it and I won’t…”

“Good,” Artemis said pleased. “Get her as far away from everyone as quickly as you can. Be careful where water is concerned for Saar will be able to use water to locate his sister if he chooses.”

“Saar cares about power and the Skeptrum. He won’t go after her unless she goes after it.” Artemis frowned and looked down. “Mother?”

“Saar hates Kailani. He might try and kill her during this time; it’s the one time Poseidon might not be able to protect his daughter,” She replied with concern.

“He’s not getting her easily. I better go.” Artemis nodded and watched her son leave his bedroom. “Good luck my son,” She said softly. “May nature aid you when it can.” Saddened the war was about to begin she faded away.


Kailani opened her eyes. “Hmm? Demitri?” She said not fully awake. “What are…”

“We have to go Kai,” The green eyed man said quietly. “Ford is getting a few of the others. Get up. We have to go now.”

“Okay,” Kailani yawned and slid out of bed. She rubbed her eyes and walked over to her dresser barely awake.

Demitri’s eyes went wide as she slipped out of bed in only a knee length royal blue satin gown. Against every male instinct he had he forced himself to look away and turn his back so he couldn’t watch her change.

“Are you dressed?” Demitri asked.

Kailani looked over at him slightly more awake and her eyes went wide. She’d looked over at where her bed was and blushed. There was no way the demigod hadn’t seen her in her short gown. “Uh yeah,” She said uneasily.

Demitri looked over at her and while he saw the embarrassment on her face he ignored it. “Grab your swords and let’s go.” The teenage girl didn’t argue and did just as he instructed.

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