I know where to go

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Chapter 19

(I know where to go)

“She continues to run as do they,” The blue winged creature known as Caeruleus commented. She turned her eyes to that of the green winged male creature known as Pratinus. ”She will not enter easily.”

“Agreed,” Pratinus sighed.

“It is time to reveal her location,” Purpureus announced; her purple wings making a mild flutter.

“Yes,” Albus agreed. “I would not have thought it would be a child of Poseidon that would not want power,” The White winged male creature admitted as he watched Kailani.

“Nor I,” The yellow winged woman known as Flavus agreed. “So powerful and yet…I believe she would be happy powerless.”

Caeruleus gave an elegant shrug. “It matters not. She must enter the challenge.”

“She stays away from water. Artemis’ son has warned her,” Flavus reminded the other woman.

“That may be but….” Caeruleus got a pleased look on her face. “If we cannot directly reveal her, we shall do it indirectly.” The blue winged woman raised the palm of her hand and blowing a breeze watched as Narissa suddenly lost her balance as a gust of wind rocked her. It was not enough to cause the girl to fall into the lake but enough to cause her foot to touch the water.

The creatures smiled pleased their location would now be revealed.


“Where are we?” Justine asked as they stood by a lake. Kailani shrugged and looked at Channing.

“You want to see your mother don’t you?” He asked.

“Well yeah but…” She fell silent seeing his eyes shift to something behind her. She turned around and could see a small bridge not far away that lead to a small island with a house on it. “She’s…”

“It’s possible. Many times the parent that has lost their child is directed here afterward. If she isn’t here but has been here they may know where she is.”

Kailani immediately smiled. “Thanks Channing,” She said looking back at him. He nodded and the group headed for the bridge.

“Think she’s actually here?” Hailey asked.

“No but they probably know where she went,” The former director replied.

“Come on!” Kailani called back to everyone as her Narissa, Solana and Justine reached the wooden bridge.

“We’re coming,” Ford assured her. He laughed as he saw his charge become impatient. Giving a rather large shrug she headed onto the bridge with Narissa and Justine right behind her.

“I don’t like this,” Serenity said watching the girls cross the bridge. “A wrong move and Kailani could end up in the water.” Concerned eyes looked at her brother Demitri. “Everyone is looking for her.”

“I know. We need to stay close,” Demitri agreed and quickly headed after the girls.

Ford was glad once they were off the bridge. He didn’t like the bridge at all. It was wooden and floating but it swayed and was looser than he would have liked. Had he known he would have stopped Kailani and made Channing go get the girl’s mother or the information they needed to find Margaret.

“This bridge has seen better days,” Channing commented. “I haven’t been here in years.” He looked at Ford. If I’d have realized I’d have offered to go over myself.”

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