An Unexpected Visit

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Chapter 8

(An unexpected visit)

Kailani walked along the ocean’s edge. Ford was at a guardians meeting so she was alone for one of only a few times. Her feet didn’t begin in the water but slowly but surely the water and her feet came together. She couldn’t help but smile as she realized her feet were now wet. The demigoddess wasn’t sure if it was the sea calling to her or simply her underlying need to be near water that made her ultimately end up with wet feet but she didn’t care.

Closing her eyes she listened to the waves and let the water cast its natural soothing abilities over her. She wondered how she’d walked on water earlier; it baffled her.

“How did I do it?” She asked the waves. “How did I manage to walk on water when I can’t even manipulate it?”

“Are you sure?” Kailani opened her eyes and turned to see a woman with curly golden brown hair. A crown of pearls sat upon her head. She appeared to be in her early twenties and Kailani thought she was the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen.

“Who are you?” The young woman asked the unknown stranger.

The regal woman smiled at her warmly from where she stood just a few feet away. “I am your stepmother.”

“Stepmother? I don’t…” Kailani fell silent remembering who her father was. “You’re Poseidon’s wife aren’t you? Queen Amphitrite.”

“I am,” She confirmed.

“You must really hate me,” Kailani said unsure of what to say or do.

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“Your husband did have an affair with my mother and….here I am,” Kailani said shifting uneasily and looking down at the water.

“I am disappointed Kailani but not with you,” The woman said kindly. “I was disappointed that I didn’t get to raise you but…no, I don’t hate you. Why would I name a child I hated?”

Kailani’s eyes snapped up to her. “Name me? You named me?” She asked caught off guard. She’d always believed it had been her mother that had named her.

“Yes,” She replied. “I watched over your mother while she carried you and I was there when you were born.”

“You were?” Kailani said completely caught off guard.

“Yes. You were beautiful and I looked into your mother’s eyes and knew she would regret the deal she had made and try to keep you,” Amphitrite told her.

“Why didn’t you let her?” Kailani asked as sadness entered her eyes.

“Walk with me.” Kailani didn’t argue and began walking with her stepmother. “I know this is not easy for you and that things are difficult for you to understand. I know how angry you are with my husband.”

“He took me from my mother,” Kailani said bitterly.

“Margaret gave you up long ago,” The golden brown haired woman with blue eyes replied as she stopped and faced her. “Your mother chose her dream long ago. My husband didn’t seek her out. Your mother called to my husband and begged for him to make her a winner. She offered him anything and I do mean anything to have her dream come true.”

“He made her his mistress.”

“No Kailani he made her what you would call a surrogate,” Amphitrite corrected. “He did not sleep with your mother constantly until she turned up pregnant like you think. He placed his seed inside her one time; making sure she was fertile. One night Kailani; that is all. In turn he had given her years of accomplishments and wins.”

“Anyway when you were born of course she looked at you and realized how special you were. She wanted to keep you,” The goddess continued as they began to walk once more. “I wanted you brought to me immediately. Poseidon took pity on your mother and came up with the arrangement that you would come here now.”

“I had already chosen your name and told your mother what you were to be named. Your mother didn’t argue with me for fear I would insist Poseidon take you from her anyway; and so you became Kailani.”

“Why did you choose…”

“Kailani means of the Sea and the Sky. You are of the Sea and your mothers dreams. People look towards the sky often when they are thinking of their dreams. I thought it was beautiful, fitting, and appropriate for a Princess of the Sea,” The Queen explained.

Amphitrite stopped walking and looked at her stepdaughter. “I understand you are angry but do not hate your father so. He loves you and does wish to spend time with you. I do as well.”

“I hit him.”

The blue eyed woman smiled and in an amused voice said, “I know.”

“I’ll try to give him a chance but I am mad at him and I still miss my mom.”

“I know you do darling but right now you need to be here. One day I’m sure you will see Margaret again but…she’s had time with you and…we need our turn.” The blonde girl nodded letting her gaze fall to the ground once more.

“Listen to me my dear,” Amphitrite said in a hushed concerned tone. Surprised at the change in tone Kailani looked up at her. “You must be careful. You need to be here but it is not entirely safe for you.”

“What do you mean?” Kailani asked becoming concerned.

“I don’t know when but a power struggle is coming,” The Queen warned. She took her husband’s daughter’s hands in hers. “Be careful who you trust. You are powerful Kailani and there will be those that wish to use you to balance their power.”

“Don’t trust anyone.”

“I didn’t say that. There are some you can trust. Listen to what your heart tells you as well as the water. The water will obey you if you command it. You have more power over water than any demigoddess or demigod here. There may be siblings that become jealous of your abilities. The Sea loves you like it does your father. The Sea will even listen to you over me at times.”

Kailani’s eyes widened at her words. “I can calm waters and I am powerful but you my dear…your father gifted you like no other before you.” Amphitrite touched Kailani’s right cheek lovingly. “You’re very special to your father. He will come if you call on him.”

“Why am I so special? Why am I the only daughter of…”

Amphitrite sensed the approach of another and looked at her stepdaughter. “Tell no one I came to you. Be safe.” Kailani felt the woman kiss her forehead before suddenly disappearing without answering her.

Kailani sighed. “Why do I feel like there’s so much more going on than I know or want to know?” The teenager grumbled. “I’m going to have to corner Ford or…maybe Narissa.”

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