A Big Brother and a Warning

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Author’s Note: I apologize but I accidentally posted the wrong chapter. If you did not read the chapter titled “The Race” then you need to back track. Sorry about that. The race is chapter 8.

Chapter 10

(A big brother and a Warning)

Ford walked down the steps making his way onto the beach. He frowned seeing Kailani sitting on a rock looking out at the sea. The guardian was aware she’d sent a letter to a boy named Sean a few days ago ending their relationship. At first he’d wondered why she bothered but his opinion had quickly turned to understanding and even approval. How could he not approve of her doing the right thing?

Kailani had been so busy with everything new around her it hadn’t been until after she’d handed over the letter that things began to sink in. The teenage girl had become quiet and Ford knew she’d cried herself to sleep the night she’d sent the letter having gone to check on her. Her tears had really bothered him.

Ford cared about Kailani. It wasn’t a romantic love. It was the kind of love a big brother and sister would have that were close. That’s how Ford saw her. She reminded him of his own sister. Darlene had fought being a guardian and had ultimately been banished from their tribe. He didn’t know where she was now but figured she’d be okay. Darlene was resilient and had always made friends easily.

Quietly he walked over and climbing up the side of the rock he sat down next to her. “Are you…” Seeing tears he stopped. “Come here.” Ford pulled her into his lap and pulling his arms around her like a protective big brother let her cry.

“I know it isn’t easy Kai. It’s never easy when your heart gets broken,” He said gently. “It will get better with time. I know it hurts but you will find someone else.”

“I know. It’s just…Sean was really good to me. He treated me like a real person. Sean even came to my swim meets out of town,” She said sadly with tear stained eyes.

Ford wiped her tears and gave a reassuring smile, “Yeah well don’t worry too much I’ll be looking out for guys with ulterior motives where you’re concerned.” Seeing the girl raise her eyebrows at him he added, “I’m you’re guardian. Think of me like an overprotective big brother.”

“NO one will get near me!”

“Not easily and…let’s stay away from the older guys,” He teased having heard she’d been dating someone older than her.”

“It’s not my fault!” She pouted. “I get along better with them. “Guys my age act stupid!” She added crossing her arms.

“If you had pigtails in right now I’d be laughing,” The reddish brown haired guardian informed her.

“Hey!” Kailani yelled and smacked his arm. “Wait you can say who I can and can’t date!” She announced.

“I can do anything that looks out for your best interest,” He told her a smirk crossing his face. Seeing her start to open her mouth he said, “Like I said, I’ll be an overprotective big brother. Since I can’t be overbearing with my sister I’ll just have to substitute you.”

“Hey wait a minute why should I have to suffer?” Kailani replied. “What did I ever do?”

“Hit Poseidon, Dated a guy older than you and kept the detail from your mother, threatened more than one person on this island...”

“Okay okay,” Kailani said waiving her hand dismissively at him. “I don’t think we need to go into details,” She added dryly.

Ford smiled at her. “Come on let’s go get some breakfast.” He stood up and held out his hands to help her down.

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