Deals, Skills, and Realizations

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Chapter 11

(Deals, Skills, and Realizations)

Saar stood looking out at the ocean. The sun hadn’t quite begun to rise but he could easily see the ocean. The water was in a gentle state. There were few waves. The blue water seemed to gently swish up on the shore no matter part of the island it was on. Even against the boulders it was quiet rather than gentle.

Poseidon’s son knew it wouldn’t be long and the battle for power would begin. Calmly he thought over the other demigods and demigoddesses. He would make his move for power soon. It was almost instantaneous that a picture of Kailani flashed in his head. The dark haired blonde allowed a look of disgust to grace his face. He needed to decide what to do about Kailani. The blonde girl couldn’t be allowed to become a player in this game.

“It’s frustrating, isn’t it?”

“What do you want Hades?” The hazel eyed demigod said annoyed.

“Watch your tone boy,” Hades warned. “I would think you’d be more open to someone who comes to help you.”

“Help me how?” Saar asked turning to face the God of the Underworld. “There is nothing you have to offer me.”

“The Oceans.”


“You’re not stupid Saar you sense things are about to take place,” The dark haired god replied. Saar didn’t comment but continued to watch the god associated with death. “Little Kailani is causing you to become less favored.”

“I can handle her.”

“No boy you can’t,” Hades said flatly. “However she could be gotten out of the way.”

“Why would you help me?”

“Consider it mutually beneficial,” The god replied.

Saar narrowed his hazel eyes suspiciously at him. “How does it benefit you?”

“It doesn’t directly but indirectly it does,” Hades replied. “It seems one of my sons has taken a liking to your new sister. You side with Willem and Kailani will be out of your way. In the end you could be the one to control the oceans. Think it over.”

Saar watched as Hades vanished from before him. He scratched his chin in thought for a moment. “Give Kailani to Willem and I get control of the water.” A pleased smile crossed the demigods face. ‘If Willem is preoccupied with Kailani then I can overtake him.’ His day looking up Poseidon’s son left the beach.


It was early as Kailani approached the training area. She hung the strap of her bag with her swords in it over a post. Slowly she walked down the length of the wood that designated the fencing area. Kailani rubbed her hand along the wood and was amazed at how smooth it was. ‘I wonder how there aren’t any splinters?’ Deciding she didn’t care she climbed up on top of the bar which was just under five feet high.

Kailani tossed off her shoes and getting up she began to slowly walk the length of the bar which was the same width as a balance beam. She smiled enjoying the sensation of being on a comprisable beam. It might be a fence but it would work for her.

Raising her arms up above her, she did a back flip. Kailani paid no attention as she began to go through a balance beam routine. The blonde girl became so focused she didn’t hear the birds above or anything else. She did flips and summersaults and spins without losing her balance once. Carefully she walked the length of the wood one more time before doing a series of back flips and flipping herself off the beam to the side.

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