We Need Both

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Chapter 28

(We Need Both)

Kailani looked down at Marius' map with interest.  Skylar had already figured out that in order to obtain the Skeptrum of Ortus they had to obtain objects from the different elements of power. No one power could find it alone. Even if all of the offspring of Zeus had joined forces to gain the spectrum they would fail. A son of Zeus could not obtain an artifact from the power of water. The offspring had to ban together.

She looked the map over carefully and as she did she noticed something even Skylar had missed. Marius had every power accounted for but one. He still needed someone with the power of animals. There were only three people with that power. Only the children of Artemis could fulfill the last power; Demitri, Serenity and Aran. A flash of Ramiero entered her mind followed by the thought that Demitri and his siblings would be in danger once the others realized.

"What is it?" Kailani jumped before she could stop herself.

"You startled me!" Kailani scolded as she looked back to see Marius only a few feet behind her.

"I wasn't sneaking up on you," Marius told her. "Something had your attention so much you didn't hear me," he replied. Kailani glanced down not wanting to reveal anything. Unfortunately in doing so she had admitted she knew something. Something she didn't want to reveal. "I'm not going to hurt you Kailani; you should know that by now."

Blue green eyes looked into light blue ones. "It's not me I'm worried about," she told him quietly; almost sadly.

Marius watched her every move and listened to the sound of her voice. If it had been someone else he'd have been certain they were out to keep the information themselves to aid them in their own quest for the Emperium Skeptrum. Kailani wanted nothing to do with power which told him it was something else. A moment later he remembered he'd taken Saar because Kailani had wanted to protect her half-brother from Ramiero.

"Saar?" He asked. Ares son wasn't sure if it would be Saar but she had not told him enough that he could make another assumption. Kailani shook her head no. She started to walk away but Marius stuck out his arm catching her across the front of her midsection before she could pass in a gentle stop. "Tell me," he told her.

Kailani looked at her rescuer.  Marius was a son of Ares but he had stopped his brother and rescued her. "Can you give me your word you won't hurt them?" Kailani asked. "Even if they refuse to help you?" she asked.

"What's going on?" Zelda asked walking in with Skylar and Lerato.

Kailani and Marius didn't take their eyes off each other. Marius wanted the information that Kailani had but also knew he wouldn't hurt her. Ares son had already ordered someone tortured for information. Although he wouldn't hurt Kailani there were others he would hurt to get what he wanted. Unfortunately the look on Poseidon's daughter's face told him there was no way she'd reveal anything unless he agreed to her terms.

"Marius?" Lareto said trying to find out what was happening.

"Kailani has discovered something the rest of us have missed," Marius said keeping his eyes on the girl.

"What could we have missed?" Skylar said and walked closer to the map. He looked the map over but still did not see anything he could've missed. "What did I miss?" he asked looking at where Poseidon's daughter still stood; blocked by Marius.

Marius internally sighed. If they'd missed something he needed to know it. The demigod couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for Kailani's protectiveness for others; her devotion to those she cared about. If she was keeping silent unless he agreed to not cause harm then it concerned someone she cared about.

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