The gods wonder

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Chapter 23

(The gods wonder)

Kailani blinked a few times before her eyes finally opened completely. She felt the touch of satin and looked over to see the color was dark gray. Slowly she sat up and looked around at her surroundings.

The room was decorated in shades of Gray and black. “Where…” her voice trailed off as she remembered trying to break the hold Willem had suddenly taken on her. Blue-green eyes caught a glimpse of the symbol of Hades staff. Her thoughts were confirmed; Willem had taken her prisoner.

Poseidon’s daughter got up from the bed and quietly made her way to the door. Very carefully she tried to open the door and was delighted to find it unlocked. Quietly she left the room and began walking down a dimly lit hallway. She touched the wall on her right as she walked and felt the stone that made up the walls.

She felt a shiver run over her at the cool temperature. Kailani wondered if perhaps they were under ground. The air felt like it did when one was in a basement during the winter. She rubbed her arms briskly to warm herself as she continued down the dark hallway. She walked a little longer and the hallway opened up.

Cautiously she entered the open area. She noticed a few cells across the room. They were each empty except for the last one. Somehow it was different. She scanned the area and seeing no sign of anyone she silently made her way across the open area.

As she walked further into the open area something off to her right caught her attention. Turning her attention in the direction of what had caught her attention she noticed what appeared to be a throne. Kailani knew it was Willem’s seat of Power. Not wanting to be caught she quickly forced her attention away from the overly large ornate black throne with the symbols of Hades carved around the top of the throne and down both sides and the legs of the chair. The seat and back was of black leather.

Kailani was almost to the cell when she realized the person inside was her guardian. “Ford!” She said as she went to touch the bars.

“That is not recommended,” a voice said gently taking hold of her hand and stopping her from touching the bar.

“Willem,” She said as her eyes fell on the blonde man.

“I wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” He said and taking her hand to his lips he placed a gentle kiss.

“Let him out,” Kailani said calmly.

Willem smiled at her but didn’t respond to her plea. “Touching those bars is quite painful,” Willem told her looking toward the girl’s guardian. “Ford has learned a painful lesson.” Kailani looked at him with narrowed eyes. “He did it to himself Kailani. He just wouldn’t stop touching the bars.”

“Let him out!” Kailani said becoming upset as she jerked her hand back out of his grasp.


“Why not? Why did you take us?!” She demanded. “We don’t want anything to do with this Willem. Leave us out of it!” She pleaded as Willem took a few steps away from her and let his eyes fall on her guardian.

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