Caught by Poseidon

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Chapter 14

(Caught by Poseidon)

Ford headed for the beach with anger running through him. The guardian was not pleased to know that Kailani was alone with a demigod. The reddish-brown haired man didn’t care who the demigod was he didn’t like the idea of her alone with any of them.

The guardian reached the beach to see Demitri chasing after Kailani. He went to step into view when he felt his arm grabbed stopping him. Surprised her looked back to see Hailey.

“Don’t Ford.”

“She is my responsibility.”

“Yes and she’s perfectly safe,” Hailey told him calmly.

“She shouldn’t be…”

“Shouldn’t be what Ford? Having fun?” The red haired woman inquired. “Do you really see danger there?” She asked gesturing to where the two were running through the water. “Do you really thing Demitri would hurt her?” Hailey asked him.

Ford frowned and looked back at his charge and the demigod. “He’s too old for her.”

Hailey blinked hazel eyes at him. “Did you just say he’s too old for her?” She asked sure she couldn’t possibly have heard him right.

“She’s sixteen years old Hailey.”

“Uh huh…” She said waiting for a real explanation. She raised her eyebrows when the guardian didn’t add anything to it. Hailey looked at Ford and then over at the water demigoddess and forest demigod. “Let me see if I have this right. You’re mad because she’s with a demigod because you think a relationship could develop?”

“He’s already called her beautiful!” Ford said showing open concern about the idea.

“She is beautiful,” Hailey replied becoming annoyed. “Ford of all the demigods here Demitri is one of the best demigods for her to fall for.”

“You’re close to Demitri and his sister. Your judgment is clouded,” He said practically glaring at Serenity’s guardian.

“Yes I’m close to them so what!” Hailey replied. “What does Demitri have to gain from being with her?” The redheaded wolf challenged. “How could he possibly use her?”

“He could….” Ford fell silent trying to think of how the demigod might use his charge.

“What’s he going to do demand she make water flow so the animals can drink?” Haley said sarcastically.

Ford glanced down at the ground. He hated to admit it but the woman had a point.

“I’d be a lot more worried about Marius, Willem, and Ramiero,” She warned. “They’re watching her and they each have a lot to gain with her by their side. Even Raiden has things to gain.”

Ford’s head shot up. “Raiden?” Suddenly the memory that he’d had to speak a second time to get Raiden’s attention to turn his back when Kailani had ended up drenched came back to him.

“Easy Ford, I’m not saying Raiden would hurt her,” Hailey said quickly. “I just meant to remind you that unlike the other god’s I’ve mentioned Demitri is a lot more inclined to not try and use her. Besides Demitri isn’t like that. He’ never use anyone to gain power.”

Ford sighed and rubbed a hand through his short hair. “I know. I just...” Looking over the two guardians fell silent and watched in awe at the power Kailani displayed over the ocean.

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