Prelude to War

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Chapter 16

(Prelude to War)

It was just after sunrise as Kailani made her way toward the Gathering area. Nervous butterflies danced in her stomach; this was the first time she’d be participating in a war games exercise.

“You’re not nervous are you?” Narissa asked seeing a look of uncertainty cross the girls face before she put on a neutral face.

“Just a tad,” The blonde girl replied.

Narissa put her arm around the girl. “You’ll do just fine.”

“Yeah if I don’t drown anyone,” She pouted.

“Just make it the other team,” Justin said coming up behind her. Kailani laughed and nodded at Athena’s son as they walked over to join their team.

Kailani watched as a group of leaders approached where Channing stood; Raiden and Demitri were among them. She was surprised to see each member was dressed differently. A mixture of Roman, Spartan, Greek, and even some renaissance appearing apparel was being worn. She looked down at herself and the others and realized each was dressed in style and color as their leader.

She looked down at the gold and white Greek gladiator styled costume she wore. She hadn’t cared for it at first but now understood why she had to wear it; it signified whose team she was on.

“Alright everyone you all know what you’re doing with the exception of Kailani but she’s a quick learner,” Channing said complimenting the girl and giving her a nod that cause the teenager to smile. “As you can see by the clouds a storm may be rolling in. If a storm starts consider it a break in the game. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Let’s try not to be quite so rough out there this time. I don’t want to see some of the injuries we did last month.”

Kailani watched as the director looked specifically at Ramiero before looking toward Marius and Willem and a dark haired blonde man she didn’t recognize. “Who is that?” Kailani questioned.

“Saar, your half brother,” Narissa replied.

“Never met him.”

“You don’t want to Kai. He’s not happy about your abilities; he views you as a threat,” The brown haired girl warned.

“Great,” Kailani sighed.

“Don’t worry he’s the only one that actually hates you,” Aran said.

“Forget Necia?” Celeste inquired.

“Make that the only male that hates you,” Demitri’s brother corrected. Kailani let out a light laugh and nodded before looking back toward the leaders.

“Leaders to your teams,” Channing announced. Instantly the leaders walked back to their teams and awaited the signal.

“Get Ready Kailani the fighting will start very quickly,” Raiden warned coming up next to her. The blonde haired woman only nodded. “Stay close to me.”

“I’ll try.”

A loud bang echoed through the area. Raiden grabbed Kailani’s arm and instantly started making his way toward the forest taking her with him. The moment they entered the forest they began to head toward their team’s symbol to protect it from others. Raiden had already told her he’d place her there because there would be less fighting. Poseidon’s daughter hadn’t argued.

“There!” Raiden said and pointed to a small covered stone enclosed area. Kailani immediately went up the three stairs and turning around she drew her sword and prepared to face anyone that might try to enter. A roll of thunder ripped through the air causing the teenager to jump a little. She looked up at the sky and saw a flash of lightning.

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