Troubling Visions

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Author’s Note: Due to the fact there seems to be a little confusion about Kailani and the guys and have received some messages about it I felt the need to clear this up. First Five guys are NOT in love with Kailani. There is some attraction meaning they think she’s pretty. (Think new cute girl/boy that shows up at school type of thing) Three want her for her POWER. Anything else would be fringe benefits. Two guys really like her. Four of them however don’t want to hurt her. One will do ANYTHING to get what he wants including hurt Kailani. Well actually two but only one of the five (Marius, Willem, Raiden, Demitri, and Ramiero).

Chapter 12

(Troubling Visions)

Ford was just heading for bed when he saw something move. He stepped back and watched as Kailani looked around before darting between some bushes away from the water house. ‘She’s sneaking out?’ Curious and a bit concerned where she was sneaking off to Ford silently followed.

The guardian followed the girl as she went passed the target practice area and any of the training facilities. Finally they came to a stop at a pond in the center of the island. Ford stayed hidden within some brush and watched to see what she’d do.


Kailani slipped her sandals off and took a glance around to make sure she didn’t see anyone. Her blue eyes then looked at the water before her. “I’ve done this before, I can do it again,” The blonde girl announced. She reached her foot out onto the pond but it immediately went into the water.

“Not what I was trying to do,” Kailani sighed. “Good grief I can do this when I’m not thinking but the moment I do I can’t?” She said frustrated. Poseidon’s daughter took her foot out of the water and walked along the pond’s edge.

“This is ridiculous!” She complained. “I mean really if I can do it once why can’t I do it again?!” She demanded.


Ford smiled amused by the girl’s frustration. It became even more amusing when she began to ramble about her annoyance and didn’t realize she’d stepped out onto the small body of water.

He considered bringing it to her attention when he saw movement off to the right side of the pond. He almost growled seeing Marius enter the area.


Marius smiled as he walked out of the woods with Andrew and Loreto to see Kailani standing in the middle of the lake.

“You look frustrated,” Marius commented.

“Marius!” She gasped surprised to see him and his brothers. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing?” He replied and crossed his arms in a questioning manner.

“I was trying to figure out why I can’t walk on water. I mean I’ve done it twice and I have no idea how.”

“You…” Andrew touched Loreto’s arm and he stopped.

“You can’t?” Andrew asked silently amuse by how oblivious the girl was.

“NO which is absolutely ridiculous!” The blonde girl complained. “I mean I try and I sink in. I don’t pay attention and somehow I can walk on water. Explain that!”

“You are walking on water.”

Kailani looked over to see Illithia and Raiden looking at her confused. “No but I’m trying to walk on this pond,” She said and gestured to the water at her feet. “Try as I might I…I’m walking...whoa!”

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