Unexpected Help

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Chapter 25

(Unexpected Help)

Demitri woke to the feel of small movements. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see a handful of mice; two white and two brown. He watched as one of the white mice and one of the brown mice seemed to be examining the chains that held him confined. “Thank you my friends but I do not believe you can chew through these.

His green eyes opened wide as two of the mice suddenly transformed before him. “Lucky for you we aren’t the average mouse,” A man with short spiky white hair told him.

“Shifters,” Demitri said feeling a sense of relief. “I’m Demitri.”

“We know,” the shifter replied. “I’m Tucker,” he said introducing himself. Pointing to his friend standing next to him he said, “This is Buddy. Fern,” he added pointing to the other. Hearing a tiny ding the shifter looked over to see a brown mouse coming toward him. “Good. Here comes Rodd.”

Demitri nodded before deciding to ask how they could possibly know him. “How…”

“Toodles came for us,” Tucker explained while Rodd transformed and handed him a key. “So the war has begun,” He said sounding disappointed but not surprised.

“Yes, well, some of us are trying to stay out of it,” Demitri informed them. “Thank you,” he said relieved to have the tight chains off of his wrists. He rubbed his sore wrists.

“Let’s get out of here,” Rodd said as his brown eyes scanned the room. “I don’t want to be found here.”

“Agreed,” Tucker announced. They went to the small window and Buddy quietly forced it open. Quietly the group made their way out of the basement. The shifters knew if they were caught they might not survive.

“Toodles,” Demitri called. The little brown mouse instantly went to him and Artemis’ son picked him up and put him on his shoulder. They slipped behind another building and quickly began creating distance between them and Demitri’s captures.

They soon entered a park and quickly made their way over to a four door red sedan. Demitri didn’t ask any questions. He didn’t know the shifters he was with but sensed they could be trusted. They quickly got into the car and Tucker began driving the sedan down the road.

“Why you?” Fern asked; her dark green eyes full of curiosity. She knew a child of Artemis wouldn’t be a threat against so many more powerful demigods.

“I’m close to Kailani; Poseidon’s daughter.”

“Poseidon has a daughter?!” Rodd said completely caught off guard.

“Yes. A daughter that isn’t power hungry, wants no part of this war, and everyone wants,” Demitri said not hiding his disappointment. “Kailani just wanted to get to her mother.”

“Is that where she is now?” Fern asked.

“No. Willem grabbed her and disappeared a split second before I was knocked out.”

“Is she powerful?” Tucker asked.

“She wants no…”

“Maybe not but if she went after the Skeptrum could she get it?” Tucker asked.

“Yes but she doesn’t want it,” Demitri said firmly. “But…”

“But what?” Rodd asked.

“Kailani has a pure heart,” Demitri told them. “She would not use the Skeptrum to hurt people. She would not use it as leverage. Kai would do what she felt was truly right; not what any god wanted.”

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