An interesting Day

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Chapter 5

(An interesting Day)

It was just after 7am as Kailani sat down to breakfast with Narissa, Illithia, and Justine. The blonde girl couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement of her first day of training. She was also curious as to what her training would actually entail.

“So what exactly are we doing today?” Kailani inquired before taking a bite of her eggs.

“Depends on your schedule,” Illithia replied picking up a piece of bacon.

“Umm…I don’t have one,” Kailani replied.

Narissa laughed. “You do but it isn’t complete,” The brown haired girl replied. “You’ll be doing water things this morning with us but there are some things they’ll test you on before they place you.”

“Like what?” Poseidon’s daughter questioned picking up her glass of juice.

“They’ll give you a sheet of paper with questions about how you would handle situations,” Illithia replied. “They’ll test your hand to hand combat skills as well as your fencing abilities.” Zeus’ daughter got an excited look on her face and said, “Based off that they’ll place you on a team.”

“Team?” Kailani inquired.

“We have to do these stupid war games,” Justine groaned as she slid a piece of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

“I take it you don’t like them?” Kailani said smiling amused at her.

“I suck at them. I’m a daughter of Athena and I suck at War games,” The green eyed girl complained. “It’s so embarrassing.”

“Yeah but you’re an awesome swordsman!” Narissa praised.

“Yeah and it’s the only way I’ve kept my head with Necia around. Bitch is vicious during war games!” Justine informed the new demigoddess. Knowing Kailani was now Necia’s target she added, “Watch your back and stay with someone who knows how to fight if you don’t.”

“Thanks for the warning,” Kailani said less than thrilled. The last thing the teenager wanted to do was have to watch her back at all times. ‘Just great,’ she internally sighed.


The blonde girl turned her head to see Ford waiving her over. “Good thing I eat quickly.” Kailani got up and taking one last sip of her juice said, “See you later.” The girls nodded at her and she quickly made her way over to her guardian.

“They want to test you first.”

“I just ate,” She complained crossing her arms with a pout on her face.

“Yeah well war waits for no one and nothing so…”

“Deal with it,” Kailani finished rolling her eyes and dropping her arms to her sides. Ford smirked and nodded. “Fine,” She said less than enthused and began following him away from everyone.

Kailani followed him through the woods until they came to the covered area where guardians watched their charges practice fencing and hand to hand combat. This area was primarily dedicated to the houses of War.

“Good Morning Kailani,” Channing said as she entered the area.

“Morning,” she replied simply. She looked at the stack of papers and the pencil and sighed. “A written test right of the get go huh?”

“You don’t look surprised,” The blonde man replied.

“Nah I asked what would happen today and my friends filled me in,” Kailani replied. “So is there like a time limit or something?”

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