Loch Ness

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Chapter 29

(Loch Ness)

Kailani and Tyra walked over to the edge of the water. Both girl's scanned the lake for signs of life. Kailani couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about Lake Loch Ness. So many stories and mysteries surrounded the lake. She knew there had been countless studies and explorations of the lake as scientists and Myth seekers had searched for the famed Loch Ness Monster.

Standing before it now she couldn't help but wonder what was true and what was myth? Was it possible the creature existed? There was a time that she'd have rolled her eyes at the possibility of the Olympians existing but now she knew better. If that Myth was true perhaps others were as well.

"What is it we are looking for?" Tyra asked.

"The jewel of the lake," Zelda said.

"A pearl," Lareto corrected.

"A pearl?" Tyra questioned. Kailani also looked at him questioningly.

"Scotland is known for Pearls," Skylar explained. "There must be a pearl somewhere in the lake."

"You expect Tyra and I to find a pearl in water that is... possibly a couple of hundred feet down?" Kailani asked less than pleased.

"Actually its 788 feet," Athena's son calmly corrected. Skylar quickly fell silent as two sets of eyes narrowed at him and everyone else looked at him annoyed.

"How are they supposed to find it in... all of that?" Zelda asked and looked at Marius. This lake has got to be like 15 miles. Zelda caught Skylar open his mouth out of the corner of her eye and turning she looked at him and said, "Don't correct me with the exact distance," she said annoyed. "It doesn't matter it's still unrealistic!"

"Realistic or not they need to find it," Marius stated. He looked at the two water demigoddesses. Ares son knew it would not be an easy task but they were the only ones that could find it. "I know it won't be easy."

"The moment we touch that water we will be revealed," Tyra warned. "Kailani will be revealed."

"I know. If one of you has an idea I'm willing to listen but you two are the only ones that can actually enter the water. None of us can withstand the cold temperature," Marius reminded them.

"We don't know for sure they can either," Zelda reminded him. "We're taking a guess here."

"Only one way to find out." Kailani slipped her shoes off and stepped closer to the water. She looked at Marius and then placed her right foot into the water. The feeling of being in the water instantly calmed and soothed her. Her eyes closed and she stepped further out into the lake.

"I can't."

Kailani opened her eyes and turned to see Tyra still at the waters' edge. She watched as the brunette placed her white slipper back on her foot. "I don't know how you can do that. The water is freezing!" She complained.

"Actually it's..." Kailani fell silent as she realized she had gone further out in the lake than she realized. "I didn't realize I had..."

"You'll have to find it," Marius told her. "I trust you."

"Maybe there's another option," Kailani suggested. Marius shook his head no. "If Skylar freezes the lake..."

"He can't and even if he could it wouldn't help," Marius told her. "The Jewel is in the lake. We'll wait here."

"I'm going to need dry clothes after this," Kailani complained. Marius smirked and she couldn't help but smile at him. Turning away from the group she dove into the lake.

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