No Longer in Charge

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Chapter 18

(No Longer in Charge)

Zeus knew his son would already be working on his plans to get the Skeptrum and decided to go check in on his son’s progress. He moved his hand but nothing happened. ‘What?’ He waived his hand again and still he was on Olympus. His eyes narrowed as he figured another god must have caused this to happen.

Angrily he headed for the Hall of Thrones. “Who…” his voice died upon entering the hall to find he wasn’t the only confused and irritated god.

“Zeus you’ve gone too far!” Ares said angrily.

“I assume none of you can use your powers either?” The King of the God’s said not hiding his own annoyance.

“What’s going on?” Artemis asked becoming concerned. If even Zeus couldn’t use his powers something was wrong.

“I don’t….” His words died as they were all suddenly all blinded by a violently bright light.

“What is going on?” Hera asked trying to shield her eyes from the light.

“A time of patience,” Came a calm and almost distant female voice from behind. As the light faded the gods and goddesses were greeted by five bright orbs of light floating before them.

“Who are you? What have you done to us?” Zeus asked sounding every bit a king.

“You have no power here, Zeus,” A male voice said sounding amused. A moment later they watched as five human appearing winged beings appeared before them from what had been orbs of light only seconds ago. They were all tall and very skinny. Their necks were longer than the average human and more slender. Yet even in their lanky appearance they held and aura of power and pure gracefulness.

“Who are you?” Apollo asked full of curiosity.

“We are your creators,” A woman at the center with long white hair and violet purple wings replied. “We granted you your powers.” Looking at Zeus she added, “Allowed you to be King of the human gods.”

“Why are you here?” Athena inquired.

“The time of the Great Challenge has come,” Another woman with white hair but having royal blue wings replied. Looking at Zeus she said, “You’re off spring will decide who shall rule.”

“You’re powers are nullified during this time so that good or bad you cannot interfere,” A male figure with a feminine looking face having long silver hair and Green wings told them.

“We are just to wait and not know?!” Ares said angrily. “I demand to see…”

“You will be allowed to view the challenge,” A second man with long glowing silver hair and white wings replied. “You may view your offspring in your pools as you always have and such.”

“We can see our children?” Artemis asked. As a mother she wanted to know she could look in on her three children.

“Yes,” A third woman with white hair but yellow wings assured her. “You will see what took place and know but you can do nothing to help or hinder them.”

“Until the war…challenge ends?” Poseidon asked wanting to confirm his suspicions.

“Yes God of the Sea. You will see everything you wish,” The silver haired man with red wings replied.

“Will you tell us anything else?” Artemis asked.

“The Challenge has begun and it will take some time before it ends. I suggest you get comfortable and consider humbling yourself in case you lose.” Suddenly the five beings turned back into glowing orbs and disappeared.

Water GoddessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora