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The end of another story, I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it, maybe one day, our paths will cross when you read another of my fan fictions, I'm currently panning writing another two, so hey, as annoying as it is when people say it, follow me and you can be one of the first to read it!:) (By the way, this is Shannon writing a diary entry, if there is any confusion)


Dear diary,

It's been a while. Two years, if I am correct, a lot has happened since then. Harry and I are still together, although I still have to go through that almost hour of travelling to see him. I passed my drivers test last week, now all I need to do is buy a car, easier said than done. Louis broke up with his girlfriend, as did Liam. Everyone is single except for Harry, so naturally, we rub our relationship in their face at every given moment. Niall met this lovely girl, her name was May, they dated for a little while but they soon realised that they weren't right for each other, he was fine with it, they're still friends, anyways, back to me, as vain as that sounds, but this is my diary, and I want to detail my life, for the future, I can look back at this and smile at my happy memories.

We all just got back from their 2015 tour. We went to Australia, and ended up in Sydney, I finally got to see my mum again. I hadn't seen her in nearly three years, I did call her everyday though. The boys were all shocked because she still looks quite young. I had to explain the whole factor that she had me when she was sixteen, so that makes her thirty five. My dad wasn't exactly the greatest person, he left when he found out she was pregnant, thus making me an only child, my mum didn't find anyone after him, sure she dated for a little while, but soon gave up, not many people wanted to have a child around. As soon as we got home, I booked a flight to go and see her again, it's a month a way, Harry and I are going for the week, I guess you could say that I've matured. Although, I taught myself to hold a pencil with my lips and write with it. That's how I'm writing right now, the boys are surrounding me and are laughing at me. All I can say to that is that I practised doing it quite a few times every day for well over a year, if you've got it, flaunt it. 

I almost forgot, I stayed over at Harry's the other week and was rooting around in his draws, as you do, and I found a list, it was called 'Things I love about Shannon', I showed the boys and every time Harry was around, they would mention something that was on the list. We were about halfway through it when he realised what was going on. He swore that he would seek his revenge and we're pretending to be on edge around him, personally, I think he's just threatening us.

Zayn ended up finding my One Direction box, he was interested in it because 'Not One Direction Merchandise' was wrote on the side in my Sharpie pen. Luckily, it was locked, so no one was getting into that, I explained to him that it just contained some personal stuff that I can never show anyone, which is quite true, I mean, I can never show anyone, that stuff is still private. I managed to slip in a few pictures of me and the boys in there to add to my collection. My Harry cardboard cutout now sits openly in the living room, along with the Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn cutouts. Louis bought me them for my birthday, so I placed them around my living room, so that they will always be with me. How is it always Zayn that finds out about my One Direction stuff? I wonder if he spy's on me, damn that'd be creepy. Note to self: Search house for cameras.

I guess it's time to wrap this up, I have places to be, things to do and people to see. 

Oh, by the way, do you have anything I could borrow? You know the old saying, something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. 

Super Shan xx

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