Chapter 26

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I'm thinking of making this 30 chapters long, and perhaps a possible sequel? Maybe I should travel to the future and see if I did? I'll let you guys know!


Harry's P.O.V

"Just keep signing, signing" "Louis, we're not even there yet" We're on the way to some music shop in town and Louis has constantly been trying to sing songs about signing thigs. I am seriously considering letting my actions take control. I looked over at Shannon, she was attempting to cross her eyes by following her finger to her nose, I'm not eve going to bother asking. "We're here" Paul announced, driving upto the curb so that we could get out. The screams were getting louder by the moment I looked over at Shannon only to realise why they were so loud, she had pressed her face up against the glass and was pulling faces, Louis soon joined her, we practically had to pry them both off the window to get them out of the car. The line of fans was long, very very long, we're going to be here for a while. We sat down in a line and Shannon sat behind me, she was of course, playing with my curls, I know that they're hard to resist and everything, but seriously, if Louis sees her doing that, he's going to be pissed. 

It's been three hours, my hand feels like it's about to drop off and my cheeks hurt from smiling to much. I think I have jaw cramp, is that a thing? We're only half way through, but have been permitted a break. Shannon picked up a bag, which we soon found out contained sandwiches, blessed be to her! It's a good job Niall didn't find it, I could hear his stomach growling over all the screams. "Food, glorious food" Niall soon chorused when his sandwich was passed over. It was pretty arkward eating in front of everyone seeing as they were taking pictures and everything, I have to admit, that's quite strange. There's probably a website somewhere devoted to famous people eating. We'll be on the front page, I expect. Everyone's finally finished, and I have tuna breath, time to carry on signing!

Shannon's P.O.V

Five hours. They've been signing things for five hours. I think I'm going insane, I'm seeing two of everything, oh no, wait, I'm just crossing my eyes again. It's like they have a mind of their own. I think someone got a picture of me, damn I hope it was my good side, I need entertainment, I think the boys do too, they have that look on their face, the whole 'Please kill me now' thing, they're pretty good at hiding it though. These gus should be actors, like seriously. I could be too, not meaning to brag or anything, but sometimes I re enact plays with myself and my One Direction dolls, usually stuff like big foot though, if you're wondering, Harry always plays the girl, he does have the locks. I have an idea. A good one. I'm a freaking genius, we have disguises i the car, wigs and glasses and stuff. I told the boys I was going to the toilet, and they believed me, how stupid are they? To the car I go! Blonde or red wig? I'll go for red, I don't think I'm a blonde person. I shall complete the look with a pair of Hipster glasses. Perfect. Tonight Matthew, I shall be...A CRAZED FAN GIRL! 

I'm next in line, finally, half hour wait, it had better be worth it. Why am I nervous? They're ushering me on, okay, show time! Liam first, hmm what to do, what to do, go for the hug! "You smell good" I said, taking in a deep breath, yep, he smile was definitely forced, onto Niall, "I have Nando's in my van, it's white, the windows are tinted" Oh god, he looks absolutely terrified. Zayn now, do I dare? I winked, oh no, he winked back! I feel like slapping him, just breathe and walk over to Louis. I just decided to stare at him, let's just say, he won't be looking at me ay time soon. Last but not least, Harry, what to do for the showstopper?

Harry's P.O.V

"Hello love" I said, looking up, only to see a hand, going straight for my curls. Paul soon pried her off, I watched her being dragged off before she whipped off a wig and glasses, to reveal the one, the only Shannon. "TA DA" She shouted, striking a pose, I have to admit, that was pretty darn good.

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