Chapter 20

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And here it is...they're going on tour! With Shannon to accompany them, spoiler, 5SOS will be there for a couple of shows too! This tour is a 'mini' tour if you will, meaning it will only contain 5 or 6 shows, over the space of two weeks. Enjoy!


Shannon's P.O.V

I can't sleep. I mean, can you blame me? Everything is packed up and we have to leave in five hours. There is one thing I still need to do however. I am currently in the guys flat, seeing as it would be easier if we were all in the same place, I'm on the sofa and everyone else are in their rooms. I need to get my Harry cutout and place it in Harry's bed. Seeing as I told Zayn I would, it'd be suspicious if I didn't soon and I think Harry might just notice if I took it on tour with us. I will however, need Zayn's assistance, I will need him to help me get out of the flat without waking him up, and he will have to film Harry's reaction, because you know, the rest of the boys would want to see it. I jumped to the floor and crawled over to Zayn's door, I've seen spy shows so I know how this goes down, gently push his door open. Oh no, creak. It's okay, no one else has made a sound, he's asleep. Now I have to wake him. Slowly get up and nudge their arm, that usually works, right? "Zayn" I whispered, damn it, wake up! "Shan, what is it?" Finally. "It's time to give Harry his surprise" He looked confused, he probably forgot about it, "You know, the cardboard him?" Ah, he remembers, he's smiling. "What's the plan?" I need you to unlock the front door so I can get it from my flat, be ready to film when I get back. He nodded and got out of bed. I dropped to the floor again and started crawling towards the door, I could hear Zayn laughing at me, but he was trying to cover it up. When we finally got there, he opened it up and created a gap big enough for me to crawl out of. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, adrenalin is kicking in already, I unlocked my door and ran straight for the cardboard cut out. I locked my door behind me and raced don the stairs, to see Zayn fumbling around on his phone. "You ready?" He whispered, I nodded my head and jumped back to the floor, I know that Zayn was filming but you know, all those spy shows can't be wrong. When we finally got to Harry's door, I pressed my ear up against it to make sure that he was asleep, sure enough, he was. Zayn pushed it open and we Worth snuck in, I pulled the duvet down slightly so that I could fit it in. I stepped backwards and saw Zayn going towards the side of Harry, he carefully picked up his arm and draped it around the cut out. We stepped back and admired out handiwork. I snapped a quick picture and motioned over to Zayn, he passed me the camera and squatted next to Harry "Haz, time to get up" He whispered into his ear, Harry immediately tightened his grip around the cardboard and snuggled closer to it, at this moment I presumed I was blue in the face for trying to hold back my laughter. "Come on Harry" Zayn whispered again, I quickly flicked the light on and Harry slowly opened his eyes, he looked over at what he was holding as screamed. "AAHH! WHAT THE, WHY AM I" I fell to the floor laughing, Zayn quickly grabbed his phone from me and filmed Harry, "What's wrong, Harry?" He asked, trying to act innocent. At that moment, Liam, Niall and Louis all crowded in the doorway "Someone better be being attacked" Louis muttered, still half asleep, he took one glance at Harry in bed with himself, me on the floor laughing and Zayn holding a camera, he turned to Liam and Niall before shrugging and walking off, this only made me laugh ever more. Best, prank, ever.

Harry's P.O.V

It's currently seven am, we're scheduled to get up at eight, time for revenge. As much as Zayn denies it, I know that he was involved, but what to do? Maybe he should wait until we're in the tour bus? Seeing as I'm about to prank Shannon, it'd be quite obvious and he'd expect it. So I shall wait a little while for him. I shall need Louis for this prank however. Luckily, he is already awake. I walked over to him and told him my plan, long story short, fake cheating. If I chose Liam then he would go all sensible, Niall would end up laughing and Zayn, well you'd probably get why. Louis has a blond wig, don't ask me why, but it's something we need for this prank. Niall is involved too, he has to wake Shannon and tell her to go to my room, where me and 'Louise' will be in the middle of a fake snog fest. I can hear Niall and Shannon talking, game on. Okay, this is quite awkward, pretending to make out with your best friend, hurry up Shannon! "What the hell" "Oh Shannon, it's not what it looks like" "Don't you even dare you-" At that moment Louis turned around and Niall and I couldn't control our laughter any longer. "Paybacks a bitch" I said, turning towards her, even she was laughing now. "Guys, Paul's here" Liam said, walking into the room, he took one look at Louis in a wig and just slowly backed out, well, this tour shall be fun!

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