Chapter 3

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A new day, a new chapter, but what will happen? That sounded quite dramatic.


Shannon's P.O.V

I can smell chicken.

Not just chicken, but fried chicken.

Now I feel hungry.

I would get chicken but hey, you never know, I might accidentally get locked into another shop with a famous band member.

Next best thing to chicken?

Pizza of course.

But what to get?

Meat feast or tuna and sweetcorn?

I could combine the two, that sounds quite good actually, I think I might so that I can order two pizzas and have a reason to eat even more.

Eating is necessary, you need it for survival.

That's my excuse anyway.

Right, phone, phone.

Hello phone?

Where are you today?

I know!

I can order on my house phone and search for it as I wait.

"Hello, Pizza palace?"

This woman sounds friendly, she has one of those chirpy voices.

"Hello, can I have one small meat feast and one small tuna and sweetcorn pizzas please?"

Stop smiling Shannon, she can't see you, damn my friendly habit.

"Deliver or pick up?"

Hmm, do I walk ALL the way across the road, or get someone else to deliver it.

The perks of living opposite a pizza place.

"Delivery please"

Okay, slightly lazy, but that's what they're being paid for, right?

"Okay, address?"

"Wecksford street, flat 23b"

Okay, it probably would of been easier to collect the pizzas myself, but, I have a phone to find!

Yes, my phone!

"That will be £12, and around 10 minutes"

"Thank you"

I put the home phone down.

Now then, my little phone, where are you hiding at?

First, I shall check my bag, that would be the logical thing to do.

Nope, not in there, maybe I put it on a counter?

Nope, nope and nope. Hmm maybe it fell on the floor?

I know! If I ring it, I can locate it.

Okay, it's ringing on the house phone, but I can't hear my ring tone.

Still ringing, come on phone, where are you?


Wait, someone answered.

Someone has my phone.

Okay, don't overreact, I'm sure they found it and were trying to find the owner.

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