Chapter 12

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Pre-warning, I do have some ideas for this fan fiction, which I think are quite good, but I need to 'lay the foundation' for them, so the next couple of chapters probably will not be that great, but I promise, they shall get better!


Shannon's P.O.V

Finally home!

Well, I managed to make my excuses and leave.

As terrible as that sounds, I have stuff to do.

Anyways, if they need me, I'm only thirteen steps away.

Okay, is the door locked?

Yes, yes it is, okay Jenny, let it rip!

After two minutes solid of screaming, my throat kind of hurts.

But hey, you couldn't expect me to be quiet forever, sooner or later, Jenny was going to get out, better now rather than in their faces.

I do believe that this calls for a celebratory smoothie.

But first, I need to shower and change!

Perhaps I could wear the new dress I bought?

Seeing as we are pretty much having a heat wave in England right now.

This calls for a cold shower, and a dance part with the one, and only Harry Styles cardboard cut out!

Yep, that's right, I have a life-size cut out of Harry, and a real life Harry living beneath me, jealous?

I would be, well you know, if I wasn't me.

"So then Mr.Styles, care to dance?"

Yes, I'm talking to cardboard, so what?

Harry's P.O.V

Noisy neighbours. VERY noisy neighbours.

Wait a minute, Shannon is my neighbour, it sounds like she's prancing around her flat or something.

Well, if you can't beat it, join it!

"Hey Lou, come prance with me!"

I love the fact that Louis no longer questions my actions, that's what I call friendship!

"The people upstairs are really loud"

Woah, Louis and I had the same thought wave!

"Oh, that's just Shannon upstairs"

"I wonder what she's doing?"

To be honest, I do too, "Do you think that we should check on her?"

Really Lou?

She left about ten minutes ago, I doubt she's having a fit or something.

"Maybe she's having a stroke?"

Wow Lou, wow.

"I'll text her"

Yeah, that's right, because I have her number.

'Hey, it's Harry, Louis and I were wondering if you were having a stroke?'

I showed the text to Louis before sending it, he game me the approving nod, she instantly texted back.

'You have my number? You number stealer! And no, i'm not' "I'm a number stealer!" "A what" "A number stealer, apparently" Louis still looked confused, so I showed the text to him, sometimes I wonder how he doesn't quite understand some of the strange thing I say, I mean, we've known each other for three years now. "You say some strange things, Haz. Hey, isn't that Shannon out there?" I walked over to him, he was stood at the window, sure enough, it was. She's wearing a dress? I had no idea she was so girly, well, girly enough to wear a dress. Could that be classed as being girly? Maybe.

Shannon's P.O.V

On my way to the smoothie cart, on my way to the smoothie cart! That could be a jingle, I think every time I go to get a smoothie, I should sing that. I could create a whole dance number for it too, maybe I should tell Harry, they could put it in their net album. It sounds like a pretty good idea to me. And there it is, heaven. Well, the smoothie cart. So, it basically is heaven. Time to order my favourite! "Hello, how can I help?" Hurray, a cheery person! "One large banana and strawberry smoothie please" Yes, I promised myself last time that I would order the large, I never forget promises! "That'll be £4.50, please" I swear my mouth is watering, it smells so fruity! No Shannon, stop smelling your smoothie, I'm sure that looks pretty weird. "Thanks" And the smile! The smile is the key! Well, at least she smiled back! Now, for my journey home! I'm glad I got the large now, if I had a medium, it would have all gone now. It's so tasty! If I were to write that down, I would have wrote the word 'so', with many o's, that's how tasty it is right now. Nearly home! This smoothie was definitely a celebratory one, worth every penny. Wait a second, is that Harry and Louis staring at me through their window? Should I stare at them strangely? Well, I am anyway. Now that was pretty funny, they both dropped at the same second, hoping that I wouldn't see them, best spy's ever, I shall call them the Harratron and the Louthor, partners in crime!

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