Chapter 29

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I am adding a new character at this late stage of the story, her name is Sharna and she is absolutely lovely, even though I'm portraying her as not a very nice person, just letting you know! Enjoy!


Shannon's P.O.V

I'm at home. Back in my flat. The boys have moved out of their flat and returned home. They're no longer a shout away, more like a five minute phone call, three minute walk to the bus stop, the ten minute wait when the bus is always late, then of course the half hour bus ride, not to mention all the stops along the way. Why does London have to be so big? I feel like I've suddenly entered a long distance relationship, Harry's nearly an hour away. Maybe they have a TV show for that? They should do, I could be on it, they could film me going through the entire process of going to see Harry, they could make it black and white and have all that emotional music in the background as I sit on the bus. I could have a blank expression as I stare out of the window, that'd be pretty good. I might try and contact some producers and make it happen, seeing as my boyfriend is THE Harry Styles, surely it would be easier to be recognised? At that moment, my phone started  ringing, cue dramatic voice. "Hello, this is the Harrop residence, how may I help?" Hell, I should work in an office or something, well, somewhere answering the phones at least. "Hey Shan, are you busy?" Harry, it's Harry! I feel like jumping for joy, I would do but I'm trying to pretend to be emotionally distraught. "First you call me by my name, and then you ask if I am called busy? Are you concussed? You should go to the doctors, should I make you an appointment?" Now I really do sound like I work i an office. Maybe I should buy a desk and place my phone on the end of it and just sit there for hours, waiting for it to ring. That'd be the life. "No seriously Shan, can you come over?" "Sure, Mr grumpy bum" He hung up, charming. Maybe I should film my journey? Damn it, where's my camera when I need it? I had better go, the bus is due seven minutes ago, so it shall be there in three minutes! I literally ran to the bus stop, only to discover how un fit I really am, like seriously, a three minute run, although I suppose I was running quite fast, Usain Bolt watch out! The bus! It's big, and red, and I've ran out of ways to describe it, it's public transport! I think the bus driver has the hots for me, even though he's about thirty, he just let me get straight on, without paying, yeah, that's right, I saved £1.50, you jelly? 

Enough with the stops already! The bus stopped literally ten seconds ago, why didn't you get off then, woman? I swear the next person who presses that stop button, I will shoot them in the head. I'm not kidding, I own a water pistol you know, imagine that getting into the wrong hands, global disasters! Another stop, really? Oh wait, this is my stop, God damn it now I have to shoot my own head, that's going to be pretty awkward. I think that this is the right place, I mean, this is where Paul dropped them off, and Harry and I embarked on a very emotional departure, there were a lot of tears, and they were just from Louis. A gigantic metal gate surrounds the place, do I climb over it or? "Hello" Holy crap, I'm hearing voices again, well it was because I left the TV on before, but still, this is legit. "Turn around, love" "Isn't that what they say in horror films and stuff, before they get impaled?" Yeah that's right, I'm on to you, Shannon turns around for no one, man or woman, cat or dog, wait, how would a cat or dog ask you to turn around? PET LANGUAGE IS THE ONLY WAY. Maybe they have courses for that? "Fine" He said, I heard him walking and quickly shut my eyes tightly, "If I don't see you, you won't kill me" Laughter, wait a second, I know that laugh. Dare I? Come on Shannon, take a risk, and hey, you didn't take those self defence classes for nothing, although technically you took them after watching kill bill, you know just in case. One eye at a time, 3,2,1. "HARRY!" I yelled, engulfing him in a hug. He stumbled back, take it like a man, Styles! Without waning he lifted me over his shoulder. "Put me down" I calmly said, giving him a chance before I beat him senselessly. "Nope" He stated walking, well, I warned him, say hello to my FISTS! "Ow" He yelled as I started punching his back, yeah that's right, I know the weak points. He finally put me down, in front of five people, wait five? The boys were there but there was someone else there. "Hi, I'm Sharna" She introduced herself, I swear she's giving me the evils, I smiled and nodded "Shannon" You could practically see the tension in the room. I need a chorus of 'oohh's' right about now. This would be easier if I was around females. I looked back at Harry, he looked quite happy, so I guess she was alright, I had better give her a chance before I judge her, although I'm pretty good at judging people. "Well, we're all popping out, giving you two some girl time" Harry quickly said, wait a second, he's leaving me alone, with her? What kind of a sick guy is he? I heard the door close, wow, not even a goodbye, I turned around and Sharna was definitely invading my personal space, "Listen up, Niall is mine, okay?" The hell was that all about? "You can't exactly claim a person" Oh snap, I'm not letting this bitch anywhere near my little leprechaun. "Wait and see, he's practically drooling over me already" "Yeah, I could tell by the way he was standing as far away from you as possible" I blurted out, crap. My back came into contact with the hard wooden floor, that hurt, a lot. She held me down before I could go crazy on that bitch's ass, not just her bottom, her face too, and maybe her limbs, what can I say, I'm undecided. "He will be mine" Oh hell no, I pushed her off me and slammed her back against the wall "We'll see about that" I spat at her, she's going down.

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