Chapter 16

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Finally, the live interview! But what will happen? Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun...I have 100 views! Thanks guys!!


Shannon's P.O.V

"We're on in five" A woman just said, popping her head around the door, she looked a bit like one of those stuck up snobby type people, therefore I will not smile at her. Five minutes, I guess I should go find my seat, the boys are still getting their make up done, I thought that make up was just for girls? "I'm going to find my seat!" "Oh, wait, someone's going to take you" Oh, can I not be trusted to find a seat? I have been told it is on the front row, at the center so I would have the best view of the boys. Damn I'm spoiled, well, you know what I mean. Could I class that as being spoiled? Probably not, but hey, worth a shot. "Are you Shannon?" Oh, great, it's that woman again, nope, still not smiling, "Yeah, that's me" "Follow me" I knew it! She is one of those stuck up snobs, you can tell by the way she walks, her head is slightly higher, I am too good at guessing. "There" Seriously? You're just going to stand at the side and point to an empty chair, the only empty chair? I could of figured that out, "Thanks" I can't help but be polite, it's a curse! Well, at least I didn't smile. I had barely sat down when the presenter came on, the audience started clapping, so I joined in, hey, I'm a good sport! "Hell and welcome, today we're joined by...ONE DIRECTION!" Woo! I still don't understand why presenters do that. I kind of figured that her special guests would be them, you know,due to the fact that it was announced, and it's on the tickets, there are also hundreds of directioners waiting outside. They're they are! My boys! Wait, is that a bit strange, calling them my boys? I mean, seeing as they're not mine, I mean, they're all older than me. Oh be quiet, brain! They've started talking, aww, Harry smiling at me, now I shall smile back! Yeah, take that snobby woman, I hope you saw that. Shannon, doesn't smile at everyone, only friends, cashiers and nice people, yeah, you do not fit into any of those topics! Oh no, I'm missing the interview, metal note, stop thinking so much! "So boys, who is single, and who is taken?" Boys! That's what I call them! "Me and Lou are taken" Well, we know that Zayn! "You three are all single then?" "Well, I've got my eye on someone" "Me too!" So Harry and Niall have crushes? My Harry? Yeah, that's right, my. Well, at least I thought. Oh no.I know that feeling, here come the waterworks, oh no. No, no, no. I need to get out of here, and fast.

Harry's P.O.V

Is Shannon, crying? Have we said something wrong? Wait, where's she going? "What about you Harry?" Wait, what? Damn it, Shannon's ran off, I can be busy paying attention. "Excuse me a moment" wait, where's Niall going? "Harry?" "Sorry" "I said, what are your plans when you get to America?" Oh right, the tour, which we leave for, in three days, think of something quick! "I really want to learn the cultures" Yeah, that sounded pretty good. Oh, Niall's back. Still no Shannon? Did she have to go or something? "Thank you for watching, we'll see you next week, with another surprise guest!" Finished already? That was pretty quick, wait how long were we on for. No way, nearly an hour? I guess I had better text Shannon 'Hey, where did you get to, was it that boring?' No reply. Strange, she usually replies straight away, somethings up. I wonder what Niall and Louis are talking about? Really? Silence when I get there? So I'm guessing they were talking about me, how reassuring to know. "We going?" Wait, Louis' smirking, oh no, what's he thinking about? "Yeah, Shannon had to go home, she's meeting us in our flat in an hour" Oh, so I didn't do anything? I guess I don't need to worry then. I wonder what made her leave? "You sure about this?" "Defiantly" I wonder what they're talking about? Well, at least we're nearly back at the flat, I wonder if Shannon is waiting for us?

Shannon's P.O.V

Harry likes someone. I feel like i've been crushed, like I'm a pile of Shannon dust on the carpet, well, at least I can have a fancy earn. I guess I had better go down to the boys flat, it's been an hour now, and I did promise. Do I knock, or do I burst in? How about the dramatic entrance? Defiantly. It's unlocked, good, this can work. I think they're in the living room, time to take action. Drop to the floor, and roll! I hear you laughing. OUCH! I over-rolled into the wall. Is over rolling a thing? Well, it is now! "Get up Shan, we're about to play truth or dare!" Oh no Tomlinson, no. I can't play that game, I ALWAYS choose dare, I can't help it, it just over powers me. DAMN MY DARING SIDE!

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