Chapter 2

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Thank you Shannon, for your ideas for this chapter!


Shannon's P.O.V

Okay, deep breaths.

I mean, it's not out of the ordinary that Harry Styles, who happens to be your favourite band member of your favourite band One Direction, would not knock you onto the floor, before helping you up, is it?

No of course not, these things happen all the time, right?

It's not as if it happened  on this exact day, at this exact moment, in this exact shop, which I happen to be shopping in, right?

"Are you okay?"

Okay, he may or may not be looking into my eyes, say something Shannon!


Okay, a strange grunt, better than nothing.

What am I supposed to do?

He's holding my hand, wait what?

"What  happened?" I managed, good, I'm forming words, I'm on a roll!

"I got spotted by fans, and I ran into this shop, but accidentally pushed you over"

He's so adorable, he looks slightly worried, I had better reassure him.

"Okay then" Oh Shannon, really? That's how you reassure a person, I'm too starstruck!

"Oh, I'm Harry by the way"

I think I'm melting from the sound of his voice, of course I know who he is!

Play it cool Shannon, "I'm Shannon"

Nice, smooth, real smooth.

"Nice name"

Oh, that smile, he's a big smiler, like me.

"Glad you approve"

Oh I am too good, better give him a smile back, that's the way I roll.

Not literally though, I don't actually roll, that'd be slightly strange, even on my accounts.

"So Shannon, tell me about yourself"

Well, he works fast,

"Bit forward are we?"

Wait, why is he laughing, I said that out loud didn't I?

I really need to stop talking in my head in public.

"Just interested"

Okay, he's cool with my inappropriate-ness.

Is that a word?

Well, it is now.

"Well, you know my name, I am 18, I just moved to London, from Sydney"

He looks like he's thinking, do I continue or?

"Sydney, Australia?"

My home town!


What is it with me and strange noises today?

"I thought I recognised your accent"

He knows his Aussie accents, I'll give him that.

"So, what else?"

Really? Do I have to explain every detail in my life?

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